Thin wrapper in Python which implements CallFire v2 interface definitions based on Swagger specification.
Python method names follow CallFire's API. Wrapper does not introduce any additional complexity or conventions above those defined in original API, which makes usage pretty straightforward:
>>> from callfire import CallFireAPI
>>> api = CallFireAPI('<api-app-username>', '<api-app-password>')
>>> api.get_account().json()
u'email': u'[email protected]',
u'firstName': u'John',
u'id': 700321776,
u'lastName': u'Smith',
u'name': u'Metacortex',
u'permissions': [u'ACCOUNT_HOLDER']
>>> text = dict(phoneNumber='13408887345', message='Hi!')
>>> api.send_texts(body=[text]).json()
u'items': [{
u'batchId': 11428003374,
u'campaignId': 60000313259,
u'contact': {
u'id': 152100378045,
u'properties': {
u'UNDEFINED': u'13471521003'
u'created': 1470222349000,
u'finalTextResult': u'SENT',
u'fromNumber': u'67076',
u'id': 1038052003407,
u'inbound': False,
u'message': u'Hi!',
u'modified': 1470222348000,
u'records': [{
u'billedAmount': 1.0,
u'finishTime': 1470222349000,
u'id': 579287900394,
u'message': u'Hi!',
u'textResult': u'SENT'
u'state': u'FINISHED',
u'toNumber': u'13408887345'
>>> broadcast = dict(
name='Test voice broadcast'),
recipients=[dict(phoneNumber='(347) 1521003')],
liveSoundText='Voice message',
machineSoundText='Voice message'
>>> api.create_call_broadcast(query=dict(start=True), body=broadcast).json()
{u'id': 13750937003}
>>> api.get_call_broadcast(13750937003).json()
u'id': 13750937003,
u'status': u'FINISHED'
Whenever low level exception occurs it is wrapped and re-raised as CallFireError, while original traceback preserved and displayed and original exception is also available for inspection under wrapped_exc attribute.
Generated python methods do contain docstrings with described query and body params. Official API documentation is available at