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Software Update Automation

Carlin Hefner edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

Because the software update sensor will turn on even when the update is still waiting on Wi-Fi or Downloading, any automation that needs to detect if the update is available to install would need to use the latest_version attribute.

Here's an example of an automation which automatically installs an update after it has finished downloading:

description: Auto Update
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - update.my_car_software_update
    attribute: latest_version
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{'Available' in state_attr('update.my_car_software_update',
  - service: update.install
    data: {}
      entity_id: update.my_car_software_update

This will trigger whenever latest_version changes, such as from 2022.40.1 (Downloading) -> 2022.40.1 (Available to install). The condition will make sure it only runs when latest_version contains the "Available to install" text.

Technically the above example doesn't need the condition as it will try to install each time latest_version changes, and the integration is smart enough to not try to install an update which is still waiting on Wi-Fi, downloading, or installing. But having that extra condition is useful in other scenarios such as for notifications.

For a fully fledged auto-update automation, try out this blueprint.