Simple django app with webpack config and ES6 syntax.
- Root directory: the project folders, gitignore, readme file.
- Root/client: webpack and package json.
- Root/djwebpack: django apps
- Root/djwebpack/djwebpack: django settings
- Python (>= 3.0.0)
- virtualenv
- nodejs npm
Under /client
npm install
npm run build:local
- Open the makefile and change the directory for your virtual env. create "virtual-python-envs" directory and change the username according to your username. virtualenv = /home/akash/virtual-python-envs/djwenv
- Open terminal and go to project directory.
- run the followings command:
- make virtual_env
- make install_requirements
- make makemigrations
- make migrate
- make run
If there are multiple js files for different templates, you can separate entry in the config file:
entry: {
app: './js/index.js',
another: './js/another.js'
output: {
path: DIST_DIR + "/dist",
filename: '[name].bundle.js'
The webpack script will now compile two applications: index.js
and another.js
. It will create two compiled files based on the entry name: app.bundle.js
and another.bundle.js
. Then from the required template, we can the required js.