My name is Annie Song. I'm a 4th year student studying computer science at Columbia University (SEAS) in New York City.
I like working on low level stuff in C/C++. In the past, I've worked on operating systems and kernel hacking, compiler design and implementation, and C++ libraries focused on good design practice and extensibility. If you'd like to collaborate with me on any low-level development, please feel free to reach out to me!
I'm also trying to get better at competitive programming and try to regularly participate in different coding contests, mainly on codeforces and atcoder.
When I'm not busy tracking down evasive segfaults with gdb, I like to play with my dogs. I have two dogs: Haskell (Shiba inu, born Oct 2021) and Camel (aussiedoodle, born May 2022). In case you were wondering, yes, they were named after functional programming languages :) I also like playing deduction games -- my current favorite is goose goose duck.