Tutorial explaining how to use the FijiBento suite to perform alignment on Serial Section EM images.
- Java (ver - TBD) - Python (ver - TBD)There are several jar files that are used by FijiBento's Java implemented parts. We use Maven (http://maven.apache.org) to fetch these jars.
FijiBento uses the Tile-Spec json specification (https://github.com/saalfeldlab/alignment-hackathon-2014-04/wiki/TileSpec) as input and output files. Each json file should describe a single section. No two files should point to the same section. Example files are provided at the examples directory (TBD). 2D alignment (section montaging) takes a single Tile-Spec json file as input which describes a single section that is comprised of several tiles that are roughly aligned. Each tile should have some overlap with at least another tile. The alignment process performs a (how does it work - TBD). Its output is a tile-spec file with a finer alignment of all the tiles into a single section.How does it work: TBD
Process phases:
Computing SIFT features - we start by computing the SIFT features for each tile in the section.
Matching SIFT features - TBD
Computing SIFT features - we start by computing the SIFT features for the entire section (probably after downsampling the section). Executed using: create_layer_sift_features.py tilespec_file_name [-o output_sifts_json_file_name] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-t threads_num]
- tilespec_file_name - a tile spec json file to compute the SIFT features for.
- -o output_sifts_json_file_name - the file where the SIFT features will be saved.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -t threads_num - the number of threads to use.
For each two sections that we wish to align together:
Matching SIFT features - match the SIFT features of the two sections. Executed using: match_layers_sift_features.py tilespec_file_name1 sifts_json_file_name1 tilespec_file_name2 sifts_json_file_name2 [-o output_sift_matches_json_file_name] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-t threads_num]
- tilespec_file_name1 - a tile spec json file for the first section.
- sifts_json_file_name1 - a sift features json file for the first section.
- tilespec_file_name2 - a tile spec json file for the second section.
- sifts_json_file_name2 - a sift features json file for the second section.
- -o output_sift_matches_json_file_name - the file where the matches of the SIFT features will be saved.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -t threads_num - the number of threads to use.
Filter the matching features - to get a model that roughly aligns these sections. Executed using: filter_ransac.py sift_matches_json_file_name compared_url [-o output_model_json_file_name] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name]
- sift_matches_json_file_name - a correspondence json file for the matchings between the first section and the second.
- compared_url - the url of the tile spec to compare against (typically the url of the second tile-spec from the previous step).
- -o output_model_json_file_name - the file where the transformation model between the two sections will be saved.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
Match by Max-PMCC - creates a triangular mesh from both sections, and attempts to match and elastically align each corresponding triangles between the two sections. Executed using: match_layers_by_max_pmcc.py tilespec_file_name1 tilespec_file_name2 model_1_to_2_json_file_name -W section_width -H section_height [-o output_pmcc_matches_json_file_name] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-t threads_num] [-f fixed_layers] [--auto_add_model]
- tilespec_file_name1 - a tile spec json file for the first section.
- tilespec_file_name2 - a tile spec json file for the second section.
- model_1_to_2_json_file_name - a model json file that contains the model between the two sections (in case the model is empty, one can use --auto_add_model to set the default identity model in this case).
- -W section_width - the width (number of pixels) of a section.
- -H section_height - the height (number of pixels) of a section.
- -o output_pmcc_matches_json_file_name - the file where the matches of the block matching algorithm will be saved.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -t threads_num - the number of threads to use.
- -f fixed_layers - a list of section numbers that are considered to be fixed (will stay as they are), e.g., "1 2 5" indicates that sections 1, 2, and 5 are fixed.
- --auto_add_model - allows using the default identity model when no model is found in the previous steps between the two sections.
Optimization - Optimizes the entire stack of sections into a single aligned 3D image. Executed using: optimize_layers_elastic.py (all_tilespec_file_names | tilespec_file_name1 tilespec_file_name2 ...) (all_pmcc_matches_file_name | pmcc_matches_json_file_name1 pmcc_matches_json_file_name2 ...) -W section_width -H section_height [-o output_dir] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-t threads_num] [-f fixed_layers]
- (all_tilespec_file_names | tilespec_file_name1 tilespec_file_name2 ...) - receives either a single file that contains a line-delimeted list of tile-spec json files to parse, or an explicit list of tile spec json files.
- (all_pmcc_matches_file_name | pmcc_matches_json_file_name1 pmcc_matches_json_file_name2 ...) - receives either a single file that contains a line-delimeted list of correspondence json files to parse, or an explicit list of correspondence json files.
- -W section_width - the width (number of pixels) of a section.
- -H section_height - the height (number of pixels) of a section.
- -o output_dir - the directory where the output json files (after alignment) will be saved. The files are saved in the format "Section_012.json", where the number represents the section number.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -t threads_num - the number of threads to use.
- -f fixed_layers - a list of section numbers that are considered to be fixed (will stay as they are), e.g., "1 2 5" indicates that sections 1, 2, and 5 are fixed.
Running all phases on a single machine: 3d_align_driver.py input_json_files_dir [-w work_dir] [-o output_dir] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-d max_layer_distance] [--auto_add_model]
- input_json_files_dir - a directory where a tile-spec json file per section are found.
- -w work_dir - the directory where the various phases json files will be saved.
- -o output_dir - the directory where the output json files (after alignment) will be saved. The files are saved in the format "Section_012.json", where the number represents the section number.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -d max_layer_distance - the maximal distance between two neighboring sections that need to be matched.
- --auto_add_model - allows using the default identity model when no model is found between two matched sections.
Running all phases on the Odyssey cluster: 3d_align_cluster_driver.py input_json_files_dir [-w work_dir] [-o output_dir] [-j jar_file_name] [-c conf_file_name] [-d max_layer_distance] [--auto_add_model]
- input_json_files_dir - a directory where a tile-spec json file per section are found.
- -w work_dir - the directory where the various phases json files will be saved.
- -o output_dir - the directory where the output json files (after alignment) will be saved. The files are saved in the format "Section_012.json", where the number represents the section number.
- -j jar_file_name - the path to the FijiBento jar file name.
- -c conf_file_name - the configuration file that includes the parameters to the java application.
- -d max_layer_distance - the maximal distance between two neighboring sections that need to be matched.
- --auto_add_model - allows using the default identity model when no model is found between two matched sections.
- -k - Keeps running all the jobs on the cluster, and if one fails or crashes, it is re-executed.
- -m - Aggregates multiple small jobs to a single large job, and executes the large jobs on the cluster.
- -mk - Aggregates multiple small jobs to a single large job, and executes the large jobs on the cluster, while keeping sure that all the jobs are re-executed in case a job fails or crashes.
- Screen1 - Block Matching Parameters
Block Matching: layer scale (0.10) => MatchSiftFeatures.layerScale, FilterRansac.layerScale, MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.layerScale, OmptimizeLayersElastic.layerScale search radius (200 px) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.searchRadius block radius (-1 px) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.blockRadius resolution (16) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.resolutionSpringMesh, OptimizeLayersElastic.resolutionSpringMesh (default: 32)
Correlation Filters: minimal PMCC r (0.60) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.minR maximal curvature ratio (10.00) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.maxCurvatureR maximal second best r/best r (0.90) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.rodR
Local smoothness filter: use local smoothness filter (true) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.useLocalSmoothnessFilter (default: false) approximate local transformation (Rigid / 1) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.localModelIndex local region sigma (200.00 px) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.localRegionSigma maximal local displacement (absolute) (100.00 px) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.maxLocalEpsilon (default: 12) maximal local displacement (relative) (3.00) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.maxLocalTrust
Miscellaneous: layers are pre-aligned (false) => N/A test maximally (1 layers) => N/A (in the driver script)
- Screen2 - SIFT Parameters
Scale Invariant Interest Point Detector: initial gaussian blur (1.60 px) => ComputeSiftFeatures.initialSigma steps per scale octave (3) => ComputeSiftFeatures.steps minimum image size (64 px) => ComputeSiftFeatures.minOctaveSize maximum image size (1024 px) => ComputeSiftFeatures.maxOctaveSize
Feature Descriptor: feature descriptor size (8) => ComputeSiftFeatures.fdSize feature descriptor orientation bins (8) => ComputeSiftFeatures.fdBins
Local Descriptor Matching: closest/next closest ratio (0.92) => MatchSiftFeatures.rod
Miscellaneous: clear cache (true) => N/A feature extraction threads (4) => (ComputeSiftFeatures threads)
- Screen3 - Geometric Filters
maximal alignment error (200.00 px) => FilterRansac.maxEpsilon, OptimizeLayersElastic.maxEpsilon minimal inlier ratio (0.00) => FilterRansac.minInlierRatio minimal number of inliers (12) => FilterRansac.minNumInliers approximate transformation (Affine / 3) => FilterRansac.modelIndex ignore constant background (false) => FilterRansac.rejectIdentity tolerance (5.00 px) => FilterRansac.identityTolerance give up after (3 failures) => FilterRansac.maxNumFailures
- Screen4 - Optimization
Approximate Optimizer: approximate transformation (Rigid / 1) => OptimizeLayersElastic.modelIndex maximal iterations (1000) => (Unused in the original code) maximal plateauwidth (200) => (Unused in the original code)
Spring Mesh: stiffness (0.10) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.stiffnessSpringMesh, OptimizeLayersElastic.stifnessSpringMesh maximal stretch (2000.00 px) => MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.maxStretchSpringMesh, OptimizeLayersElastic.maxStretchSpringMesh maximal iterations (1000) => OptimizeLayersElastic.maxIterationsSpringMesh maximal plateauwidth (200) => OptimizeLayersElastic.maxPlateauwidthSpringMesh use legacy optimizer (true) => OptimizeLayersElastic.useLegacyOptimizer (default: false)
Parameters that were added to FijiBento:
- ComputeSiftFeatures.avoidTileScale (false) - instead of using the default computed scale (that is set by the maxOctaveSize and the image width), use 1.0.
- MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.autoAddModel (false) - Automatically adds identity model when filter ransac cannot find a model.
- OptimizeLayersElastic.dampSpringMesh, MatchLayersByMaxPMCC.dampSpringMesh (0.9) - This is a value that is found in the original TrakEM2 parameters, but is not modified as one of the parameters (but used in the program).