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ACS ROBOTICS - 4716 2016 Programming Design Document

Game Description

This year’s game is about seizing castles by launching boulders through a high or low goal and then capturing the castle by the end of the match. There are two teams against each other composed of three robots each. Each alliance has battlements that are randomized for each map at the discretion of the audience and the opposing alliance. The objective this year is to score points by breaking defences and throwing boulders at the opposing castle. The team with the most points wins the match.

Robot Description

The objective of our robot this year is to break the defences. The robot will have the capability to go through all obstacles with ease while passing up boulders to a member of the same alliance. If required, our robot will be able to score in the low goal. To add, our robot will have the capability to climb by the end of the match to score points.


  1. Drive Train
  2. Scoop
  3. Climber
  • Drive Train

In the Drive Train, we have 4 wheels that can adjust the height of our drive train with pneumatics. Only the back wheels are powered as the front wheels are unpowered omni-wheels. We have two gear boxes with Greyhound encoders on each side. We have a gyro and accelerometer to measure the angle of our robot. Ultrasonic sensors will be used in autonomous when crossing obstacles.

Tasks Sensors Problems Solutions
Drive with Controller None Nothing Easy
Drive "Perfectly" Straight Automatically None Nothing Make a command
Turn "Perfectly" Automatically Gyro Keeping it straight w/o overshoot Already coded
Drive Towards Low Goal Gyro Turn w/o overshoot Already coded
Tasks (Obstacles) Sensors Problems Solutions Difficulty (_/5) (Auto)
Low Bar Optional: Ultrasonic, Gyro, Camera Keep under the height of 1ft 4”. Mind the Angle of Ramp Adjust back wheels/Drive Straight Through Keep in down position. 1
Portcullis(Gate) Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Lift the gate while moving straight. Need to know distance of gate from robot. Either Lift Gate/ Drive Straight Through. Keep in down position. 2
Cheeval de Frise (Dynamic Ramps) Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Dynamic Ramps means we need to push down the ramps that aren’t aligned Push down the ramps that aren’t aligned and drive through. Keep in down position. 3
Moat Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Drive over a bump right after the ramp. Push through. Keep in up position. 2
Ramparts Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Drive over fixed ramps going on opposite directions. Drive through. Maybe adjust each side. Keep in up position. 2
Drawbridge (Bridge) Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Spring loaded door that’s required to pull down. Pull a door down. Back up. Drive over the door. Keep in down position. 4
Sally Port (Door) Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer, Gyro Optional: Camera Spring loaded door that opens like a regular door. Pull door to middle of robot. Move door to side with climber. Drive through. Keep in down position. 5
Rock Wall Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera 4 ½ " bump on a platform. Drive over it. Keep in up position. 2
Rough Terrain Required: Ultrasonic, Potentiometer Optional: Gyro, Camera Literally rough terrain. May be hard to keep consistent results, so sensors will be used more. Drive over it. Keep in up position. 3
  • Scoop
  • Climber


ConfigClient is designed to fetch robot configuration data from controlling computer during the runtime. In order to use this class, please make sure to downlaod json-20151123.jar file from here and place it under $HOME/wpilib/user/lib/. Otherwise, the project will not be able to be successfully built.

The procedure of importing library jar into project is as following:

  1. Right click at the project
  2. Click at Build Path
  3. Click at Add Libraries ...
  4. Select User Library
  5. Click Next
  6. Click User Libraries ...
  7. Click New...
  8. Name it Json and then click OK
  9. Select Json and then click Add External JARs
  10. Select the json-20151123.jar that you just downloaded, then click Open
  11. Click OK
  12. You are good to go

Also, before deploying the robot code to roboRio, import Raider_Server project into Eclipse, and run it in the background. This will open up a socket server on port 3002. All configuration data can be modified in config.json file which can be found at the root of Raider_Server project.

When changing the network configuration of the controlling computer, make sure change the static IP address to, the ConfigClient is configured to query this address. This can be achieved using following commands in cmd (opened as Administrator)

> netsh interface ip set address "<Connection>" static


FRC Robot for 2016 - Team 4716






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