Language server implementation for Korean, powered by 한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기.
It's Korean version of grammarly, famous writing assitant app for English.
As grammarly does, it detects Korean grammar error, also supports code action. It also supports some level of english.
npm i -g korean-ls
git clone [email protected]:aca/korean-language-server.git && cd korean-language-server
npm run build
npm link
Should work with any client implementation, vscode/emacs/sublime/vim.
- vim/neovim, coc.nvim
"languageserver": { "korean": { "command": "korean-ls", "args": ["--stdio"], "filetypes": ["text"] },
- nvim-lsp
configs.korean_ls = { default_config = { cmd = {'korean-ls', '--stdio'}; filetypes = {'text'}; root_dir = function() return vim.loop.cwd() end; settings = {}; }; } nvim_lsp.korean_ls.setup{ on_attach = on_attach; }