This is the repository for the BeachBots MQP 2022
This is where all the Basebot code is. The launch file is DetectApriltags.launch.
Basebot IP:
This package contains everything needed for the smallbot. The launch file is Smallbot.launch.
Smallbot IP:
*For both the Smallbot and Basebot:
username: pi
password: raspberry
Turn on both Smallbot and Basebot
With your laptop, connect to "BasebotNetwork" wifi with the password "Wumpus3742"
In Putty, ssh into the Basebot (
In the terminal, enter username (pi) and password (raspberry)
Enter the following commands
cd Desktop
roslaunch DetectAprilTags.launch
In second Putty window, ssh into the Smallbot (
In the terminal, enter username (pi) and password (raspberry)
Enter the following commands
cd Desktop
roslaunch Smallbot.launch
To confirm that the Basebot is functioning and communicating with the Smallbot:
In new Putty window with Basebot and Smallbot running, ssh into the Smallbot (
In the terminal, enter username (pi) and password (raspberry)
Enter the following command
cd Desktop
rostopic echo /tag_bounds/tag_3
This will print the bounds of the AprilTag:
-1 = left
0 = center
1 = right