Consume MariaDB error log and slow log, and send events to Graylog.
To install the dependencies and download pt-fingerprint:
TODO: Add explanation. The help message here is a placeholder.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t LOG_TYPE, --log-type LOG_TYPE
Type of log to consume. Permitted values: error, slow.
Permitted aliases: errorlog, errorlog. Case-insensitive.
-l LOG, --log LOG Path and name of the log file to consume.
--limit LIMIT Maximum number of sourcelog entries to process. Zero or
a negative value means process all sourcelog entries.
Implies --stop-never.
--offset OFFSET Number of sourcelog entries to skip at the beginning.
Zero or a negative value means skip nothing.
--stop STOP When the program must stop. Allowed values:
eof: When the end of file is reached.
limit: When --limit sourcelog entries are processed.
never: Always keep running, waiting for new
entries to process.
--eof-wait EOF_WAIT Number of milliseconds to wait after reaching the sourcelog
end, before checking if there are new contents.
--message-wait MESSAGE_WAIT
Number of milliseconds to wait before processing the
next message, as a trivial mechanism to avoid overloading
the server.
--label LABEL ID for the program execution. To calls with different
IDs are allowed to run simultaneously.
Default: same value as --log-type.
-f, --force-run Don't check if another instance of the program is
running, and don't prevent other instances from running.
Graylog hostname.
--graylog-port-udp GRAYLOG_PORT_UDP
Graylog UDP port.
--graylog-port-tcp GRAYLOG_PORT_TCP
Graylog TCP port.
--graylog-port-http GRAYLOG_PORT_HTTP
Graylog HTTP port.
--graylog-http-timeout-idle GRAYLOG_HTTP_TIMEOUT_IDLE
Timeout for the HTTP call when no data is received.
--graylog-http-timeout GRAYLOG_HTTP_TIMEOUT
Timeout for the HTTP call. This is a hard limit.
-n HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
Hostname as it will be sent to Graylog.
-T, --truncate-eventlog
Truncate the eventlog before starting. Useful if the
sourcelog was replaced.
More info will follow. In the meanwhile, for usage refer to built-in help:
/path/to/ --help
/path/to/ -h
Do not terminate the script with SIGTERM!
The script maintains eventlogs to remember which entries from the source logs were sent. If it stops and restarts, it will be able to resume consuming the source log from the right point.
The script is smart enough to avoid stopping before writing an update to the eventlog. So, SIGTERM and SIGINT can safely be used. But SIGTERM cannot be handled by a program, so it is not safe by nature.
Eventlogs are rotated by sending a SIGHUP to the script.
The program tries to always terminate with a meaningful exit code:
- 0 - Success
- 1 - Generic error
- 2 - Invalid parameters
- 3 - External error (OS, hardware, network...)
A known problem is that unexpected errors are not handled, and fail in the standard Python way.
When this happens, the Lock File is likely to exist and not be deleted. The lock file is meant
to prevent the script from having multiple simoultaneous instances that read the same Source Log
(or have the same --label
When this happens, trying to restart the script will produce an error like this:
Lock file exists or cannot be created: /psth/to/lock-file
To fix the problem, just delete the Lock File.
To test the consumer, you may want to use netcat.
For example, to test it with the HTTP protocol, first launch Netcat in a loop:
while true ; do nc -l 12201 ; done
Now make sure that you have a log that can be consumed. For example, copy an error log
to logs/error.log
Then, run the script telling it to send GELF messages to localhost over HTTP:
./ --log-type=error --log=logs/error.log --graylog-host=localhost --graylog-port-http=12201 -T
Copyright 2021 2022 Vettabase Ltd
License: BSD 3 (BSD-New).
Developed and maintained by Vettabase Ltd:
Contributions are welcome.