Shell Harness provides an easy way to interact with shell commands and scripts. Benefits:
- an initial script can be run to set context for all subsequent commands
- all commands run in a long-running Child Processes vs. a Child Processes for each command. This can be significantly faster than spawning new processes for each command. 36 times faster in one benchmark.
- Multiple shells can be spawned to run commands in parallel
- Commands are queued in a FIFO manner
npm install @trevthedev/shell-harness
import ShellHarness from '@trevthedev/shell-harness'
const shell = new ShellHarness()
const cmd = await shell.createCommand('printf HELLO ;')
console.log(cmd.output) // HELLO
All shell commands or scripts must terminate with a semi-colon ;
All stderr output is redirected to stdout via 2>&1 and not command should send data to stderr (required as Node does not process stdout and stderr sequentially)
const cmd = await shell.createCommand('cd / ;', undefined, undefined, true)
returns a promise that will resolve once the command has been executed on all shells ;
const cmdline = shell.interact('echo "what is your name?" ; read name;\n')
cmdline.on('data', stdout => {
if (stdout === 'what is your name?\n') {
cmdline.stdin.write('Bob\necho $name\n ')
cmdline.sendDoneMarker() // required to indicate that this interaction is completed
} else {
console.log(stdout) // `Bob\n`
const outcome = await cmdline
console.log(outcome.output) // `what is your name?\nBob\n`
const rootShell = new ShellHarness({
user: 'root', // or other user
rootPassword: process.env.RPASSWORD
const cmd = await rootShell.createCommand('whoami;')
console.log(cmd.output) // 'root\n'
console.log(rootShell.config.rootPassword) // undefined
This will switch to another user via sudo and a sudo'er password is required - unfortunately shell does not allow one to su without sudo.
The output from a command can be intercepted in two ways and different result substituted if required.
const cb = (cmdX, cbData) => {
console.log(cbData) // 'HIT'
return true
const cmd = await shell.createCommand('printf HELLO ;', 'HIT', cb)
console.log(cmd) // true
const cb = (cmdX, cbData) => {
console.log(cbData) // 'HIT'
return true
const cbShell = new ShellHarness({
doneCallback: cb
const cmd = await cbShell.createCommand('printf HELLO ;', 'HIT')
console.log(cmd) // true
const cmd = shell.interact(
'printf "{\\"ipc\\": \\"true\\"}\\n" 1>&$NODE_CHANNEL_FD ; printf HELLO ; \n'
cmd.on('message', data => {
console.log(data) // { ipc: "true" }
cmd.sendDoneMarker() // required to finished command
const res = await cmd
console.log(res.output) // `HELLO`
const cmd = shell.interact('echo ; \n')
cmd.on('data', stdout => {
if (stdout === '\n') {
cmd.stdin.write('read -r line <&3 ; printf $line ; \n')
} else cmd.sendDoneMarker() // required to finished command
const res = await cmd
console.log(res.output) // \n"HELLOBOB"`
Node formats messages sent via IPC
shell: '/bin/sh', // shell to use
initScript: undefined, // script to run when shell is first launched
doneCallback: undefined, // callback before any command is completed
user: undefined, // user to switch to via sudo then su
rootPassword: undefined, // root password to switch user
numberOfProcesses: 1, // number of shells to spawn
concurrentCmds: 100, // max number of commands to send to the shell at a time per shell
doneMarker: '__done__', // unique identifier to determine whether command is completed - a sequential number is also added
log: true // produce a log
const shell = new ShellHarness(optionalConfig)
const cmd = shell.createCommand(
const cmd = shell.interact(
cmd.on('data', data => {})
cmd.on('message', message => {})
// other events include: created, enqueued, executing, cancelled, failed and finished
const result = await cmd
// result = {
// error: whether shell exited in error,
// command: the command sent,
// output: string result }