Tracking the distance small animals run in their wheels
You can access my hedgehog's live data here. -- Note, Chip has passed, and this server is no longer maintained.
I made this as there were no really good ways to track how far my hedgehog runs at night.
My live demo is contained on a raspberry PI, using a magnetic door sensor to track the wheel revolutions.
Install screen, python, and apache on a Raspberry PI
Copy the Web_Interface files into apache's /var/www/html folder.
Change the values in config.php to match your environment.
Copy the Wheel_Tracker files into the Linux home directory
Change the web address in '' to match your IP address on line 22.
Shut down your raspberry PI, and attach the leads of the door sensor to GPIO Pins 3 and 4.
Run, and optionally add it as a daily cron job
Test that it works by manually spinning the wheel, and refreshing the page to make sure the values are updated.
Known issues: The python script freezes up after roughly 30 hours. I use a daily cronjob to restart the script every 24 hours in a screen session.
0 18 * * * /home/pi/
@reboot /home/pi/
Note: A sample file is provided so you can up your database similar to mine.