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Repository files navigation


This is a webapp to be used by the staff of a (theoretical) speakeasy. It will track their work, what members there are, if they are in the speakeasy at the moment and their open tabs.

It is implemented in Next.js, uses thecocktaildb as a database for drinks and has mongodb as a database for staff and member data.

The app was created for the project in the course DH2642 at KTH.


The app is currently deployed at

Running locally

Run the development server:

# install dependencies
yarn install
# or
npm install
# run
yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the deployment.

Note: to run locally env variables to connect to the database are required


  • /components/ contains reusable components and components that are used globally. As an example /components/SideBar.js is used only once, but it is used in the /pages/_app.js file that renders on every page.

  • /pages/ contains the pages that will be rendered. This is done by next so every file corresponds to a page (or a set of pages).

  • /pages/api/ contains the api-endpoints used to communicate with the database

  • /public/ contains files that are directly made available on deployment without alteration. Mostly images.

  • /redux/ contains files used for global state management

  • /styles/ contains stylesheets. Almost all files are css modules that are scoped to components.

  • /util/ contains files with functionallity used in other files.

Any non-reusable components or functions will be kept in the same file as the component or function they're used in to improve readability and as can be seen in Next.js' own examples of implementations123.

MVP (Model-View-Presenter) Pattern

The model is represented by redux, each page is a presenter that gets and generates data and functions which it feeds to a view declared in the same file, unless the view is used by multiple pages.


Work is done on a new branch for each feature/fix. dev is the main working branch while master is production branch with continous deployment. Any new feature should be made on a branch named according to the issue it's based on, branched out from dev.

Currently the app has:

  • api enpoints for creating and getting data for the staff
  • a front page where the staff can sign in
  • a global state to track the signed in user (or that the user isn't signed in)
  • a sidebar for navigation
  • a search function to find and add new drinks to a member's tab
  • A fully implemented drinks search
  • api endpoints for getting and managing members
  • api endpoints for managing members' tabs
  • blocking so that only signed in users can access pages
  • staff can make and check reports (e.g. hours worked)
  • pages for managing members status (in-/outside of the club)
  • pages for managing members' tabs
  • loading spinners
  • proper error messaging

Given more time the app would have had:

This is what we would have liked to accomplish but due to circumstances such as sickness they were disregarded as they were not required for the MVP.

  • managers can manage and see staff data
  • new members can be added in the app
  • managers can add new staff in the app
  • a page to show all reports, not just the 10 latest
  • general style improvments

Note: Although the project is over there could be future work done


  • React
  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • Axios
  • Redux
  • Redux Toolkit
  • React Toastify
  • Moment
  • MUI TextField
  • bcrypt

Full dependency list can be seen in package.json




