The official repository for the Zorgoia Starbound Mod. No actual zorgoia content currently, but we're working on that.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, it's simple:
- Head up to the top of the page and look for the "Fork" button. Click that, then follow the prompts.
- Download and install a Git program (I personally recommend Git Kraken ( This guide will be written for Git Kraken.)
- In Git Kraken, sign in with your Github account
- (NOTE: Git Kraken does not recieve your Github login details. It recieves a token, which is basically a piece of paper that says "This program has access to these features of this account". You can manage Git Kraken's access, or remove it entirely, by going to and clicking on the "Git Kraken" entry.)
- Go to File > Clone Repo, and find your fork of the zorgoias repo in the Github tab. Select a location to download the files to.
You now have a fork of the repo on your computer. Make whatever changes you like to the files here, then go back to Git Kraken.
- In Git Kraken, on the right side, it will list all the files that have changed on your local copy. Select changed files you want to commit to your fork in this list, and stage them.
- Once you're satisfied with the changes you're committing, head to the bottom right, give your commit a title (and, optionally but recommended, a description) and click "Commit"
- To send these commits to your fork on Github, click the "Push" button on the top bar of Git Kraken. It looks like a horizontal line with an arrow pointing up.
- NOTE: This will ONLY upload the currently committed files. If you have files that you've changed but not committed, they will remain changed on your computer, but will NOT be uploaded. Make sure you Commit all changes you want to upload before you Push.
- If you're ready to send your changes to the main repo, head to the left side of Git Kraken and click "Pull Requests". Fill this out (it should be self explanatory), and submit the pull request. Everyone with Write permission to the main repo will receive a notification so they can examine your changes and either accept, suggest further changes, or deny your changes outright. In the latter two cases, head back to your local copy and make further changes, then Commit, Push, and Pull Request again.