This configuration required on follow plugins:
- Pathogen
- NERDTree
- NERDCommenter
- Syntastic
- tagbar
- python
- django.vim
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-fugitive
On Linux/MacOS
cd ~ git clone ~/.vim ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc cd ~/.vim git submodule init git submodule update
On Windows
cd %USERPROFILE% git clone vimfiles cp vimfiles\vimrc %USERPROFILE%\_vimrc cd vimfiles git submodule init git submodule update
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
This is basic hotkeys for features access:
- Ctrl+n (<C-n>) toggle NERDTree panel
- F2 (<F2>) toggle Tagbar panel
- Ctrl+k Ctrl+p Puts full file path to system buffer
- Ctrl+d (<C-d>) put next cursor on the same word (multiple cursors)
- Ctrl+Tab switch to the next tabview
- Ctrl+Shift+Tab switch to the previous tabview