For tasks of Kottans Front-End course
I've refreshed my knowledge about Git.
2. Finish the course
I've learned quite a lot from this course. Was very intresting
I've refreshed my knowledge about HTML/CSS. This is a good course
It was very intresting course!
Realy cool study game of flexboxs!:)
I didn't write here quite a lot because before this task. Its first very interesting practical task, so a few words about it:
- nice task to learn how to make popup with JS (but as I know usual nobody do it like this);
- i've learnd how to use checkbox in this order and other HTML/CSS stuff;
- how easy to use flexbox;
- and, finally, how to use git in real life ^_^ and how to make pull request.
Thanks a lot for such intrasting task and ALso for supporting and feedback.
This one was may be the most interesting task for me! Finally I could try myself in something like this! And could use all experience what i took before in JS, CSS amd HTML! And it's cool when you have a page-load new info without server (or backend) !
Nice task to try "make" objects using only functions!