App that retrieves pending transactions from the EVM mempool and displays them to the user. Open to view it in your browser.
Using a WebSocket connection to a node and the following method in the web3.js library you can connect to the Polygon Blockchain testnet network and check the latest block and pending transactions from the EVM mempool
Get a quick free node endpoint (HTTPS/WSS) to use the app by signing up with Chainstack and selecting the free Developer plan. You can also use the example wws node point that is provided in the application ( wss://
- Write the correct WSS endpoint and press enter.
- The latest block and latest pending transactions (in an interval of 6 seconds) will be displayed.
This project used the following technologies:
- Project bootstraped with: Create-React-App
- NPM:
- Working polygon node:
git clone
$ cd Polygon-pendingTx
$ npm install
Get a quick free node endpoint (HTTPS/WSS) to use the app by signing up with Chainstack and selecting the free Developer plan.