Web application:
This is my app for management and maintenance of home plants.
- name (living room, baclony, terrace, ect.)
- sunlight level (high, medium, low)
- name: name of the soil
- type relation many-to-many with Plant,
- price: purchase cost,
- type: plastic, stone, ect.
- price: purchase cost,
- radius (in cm)
- plant: relation one to one with pot
- name (shop, garden centre, ect.)
- address
- relaction many to many with plant, soil, pot
- name (watering, ferilizing, cleaning)
- description: detail work in this place
- created - date of creation
User can plan tasks regarding to particular plants in particular locations, like fertilizing, cutting, watering, application of plant protection substances.
- Fork the repo and then clone it to PyCharm for example.
- In Pycharm terminal or console go to the web app folder.
- Use the the command to create a virtual environment (source venv/bin/activate).
- Go to the folder with manage.py file and use the command (in console) to create own superuser (python manage.py createsuperuser) to get own account.
- Use the command python manage.py runserver to start the app.
- Enjoy.
The app has a very intuitive menu and easily allows to add, view and modify specific fields.
Added, modified items are stored in database.
Thanks to Michał Dobrzycki from CodersLab (https://github.com/michal-dobrzycki-coderslab) for excellent mentorship and CodersLab.
Feel free to use and modify this app but please add the author info. Hope it will help you in your home gardens.