Gopher image by [Renee French][rf], licensed under [Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license][cc3-by].
I'm busy following the tutorial on Only difference is I'm going to be using Go instead of C++. I'm also not doing the same structure, divided things up a bit more, but not too much and it should be easy to find the same/similar code.
You can download and build directly from the source:
$ go get
You will need to have gcc installed and in your PATH on windows. I have not tested this on Linux or Mac, but I would imagine you should have build tools installed there as well. This is because the GL and GLFW librarie are still C libraries and Go requires gcc to compile them.
To change how the application runs just edit the default.json file in the root of the project.
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000,
"width": 1000
Width of the window."height": 1000
Height of the window.