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1. Configuring hardware components

SamVanderstraeten edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 8 revisions

Setup of RPi

Install Raspbian OS and enable SSH. FOr more information look at Raspberry Pi Site

After the setup of the SSH, logon to the pi using the default username and password.

First of all: change the default password of your pi : passwd

Completely disable IPV6 by adding ipv6.disable=1 to /boot/cmdline.txt and reboot your pi

Tip: In case your mouse reacts slowly, add usbhid.mousepoll=0 to /boot/cmdline.txt as well.

The second step you have to do: update and upgrade your os sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Enable SSH

Enable connecting to the RPi using SSH: Start menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration

Then, open the Interfaces tab and enable the toggle for SSH.

This enables us to connect to the Raspberry Pi remotely, so we won't have to connect a screen every time we're working on it.

More information about connecting with SSH.

Enable CSI cam && I2C

  1. Enable the CSI cam by entering sudo raspi-config
  • enter 6 interface options :

  • Select P1 Camera:

  • Select Yes to enable the camera:

  1. Enable I2C to control the PWM controller:
  • Go back to 6 Interface Options:

  • Select P5 I2C:

  • Select Yes to Confirm

  1. Finish and exit raspi-config
  2. reboot rpi

Next steps

Connect to your Raspberry Pi

If you're not familiar with remote connection to a RPi, check out this page. It will explain all you need to know.

Continue Docker or Local install

When you're ready and connected, there are 2 ways of running the software on the RPi:

  1. Using Docker to run the containers that will provide you with all necessary functionalities. This is the most straightforward option, as you don't have to install ROS (or any other framework) manually on your RPi.
  2. Manually install ROS on the RPi and run everything locally. This will require a bit more knowledge, but can enable you to develop or add special features.