Requires Python
you will also need the Pillow library
pip install --upgrade Pillow
download the files, or clone this repository
git clone
then run
cd Any-bits-Steganography
For Windows a binary version that requires no installation, or setup is available under releases. Just unzip, and run the executable.
So if you have a need to hide some stuff in an image, and you want to hide it in specific bits in specific color channels.
The stego tab allows you to pick a cover image, and a hidden file. The cover image will be changed to a .PNG file with 4 channels. If the file to hide is not an image the preview will remain blank.
The settings tab is important, you can pick which bits you want to hide the hidden file in. The filename will be stored as well, and used during file recovery.
The unstego tab will recover a hidden file, and put it in the output folder. The file can be recovered only if the settings match the ones used to hide the file.