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Create weekly updates reminder #40

Create weekly updates reminder

Create weekly updates reminder #40

name: Create weekly updates reminder
- cron: '00 10 * * 0'
name: Create weekly updates reminder
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
issues: write
- name: Create weekly updates reminder
run: |
if [[ $CLOSE_PREVIOUS == true ]]; then
previous_issue_number=$(gh issue list \
--label "$LABELS" \
--json number \
--jq '.[0].number')
if [[ -n $previous_issue_number ]]; then
gh issue close "$previous_issue_number"
gh issue unpin "$previous_issue_number"
new_issue_url=$(gh issue create \
--title "$TITLE" \
--assignee "$ASSIGNEES" \
--label "$LABELS" \
--milestone "$MILESTONE" \
--body "$BODY")
if [[ $PINNED == true ]]; then
gh issue pin "$new_issue_url"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
TITLE: Check weekly dependency updates
ASSIGNEES: nicolasomar
MILESTONE: maintenance
LABELS: dependencies,enhancement
### Objective
Update ReactiveBulma's dependencies from last week's new versions.
### Description
After reaching the last version according to the original roadmap, the following long-term objective is to maintain a healthy project that the community can use; it is necessary to check all dependencies for possible updates, apply them, and ensure functionality has not been affected.
In case of issues after the mentioned updates, it will be necessary to fix those problems before pushing the changes and avoiding affecting the community.
### Tasks
- [ ] Run the script for the update and wait until new installed versions. `npm run update`.
- [ ] Check if the linter suit runs without stoppers. `npm run lint`.
- [ ] Check prettier suit runs without stoppers. `npm run prettier`.
- [ ] Check that the test suit runs without stoppers and that its coverage is correct. `npm run test:ci`.
- [ ] Check build process runs without stoppers. `npm run build`.
- [ ] Check that the storybook instance runs locally without stoppers and maintains the previous features. `npm run start`.
- [ ] Check storybook build process runs without stoppers. `npm run build:storybook`
- [ ] Create the branch and PR associated with the abovementioned changes.
- [ ] Wait until PR-related workflows run OK.
- [ ] Push the code with the `fix: ` prefix to update the package's version on npm and GitHub registries.
PINNED: false