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Sample app code for deploying TAO Toolkit trained models to Triton


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TAO Toolkit Triton Apps

NVIDIA Train Adapt Optimize (TAO) Toolkit, provides users an easy interface to generate accurate and optimized models for computer vision and conversational AI use cases. These models are generally deployed via the DeepStream SDK or Jarvis pipelines.

This repository provides users with reference examples to infer the trained models with TAO Toolkit in Triton. For this commit, we provide reference applications for 6 computer vision models and 1 character recognition model, namely:

  • DetectNet_v2
  • Image Classification
  • LPRNet
  • YOLOv3
  • Peoplesegnet(Maskrcnn)
  • Retinanet
  • Multitask Classification
  • Pose Classification
  • Re-Identification
  • VisualChangeNet
  • CenterPose
  • FoundationPose

Triton is an NVIDIA developed inference software solution to efficiently deploy Deep Neural Networks (DNN) developed across several frameworks, for example TensorRT, Tensorflow, and ONNXRuntime. Triton Inference Server runs multiple models from the same or different frameworks concurrently on a single GPU. In a multi-GPU server, it automatically creates an instance of each model on each GPU. It also supports ensembling multiple models to build a pipeline.

The Triton inference architecture consists of 2 components

  • Inference Server
  • Triton Client

The Inference Server loads a model and spins up an inference context to which users can send inference requests to. The first step in loading a model is to serve your models using a model repository. This could be a file system, GCP, Asure or AWS s3. For the sake of this document, the model repository will be a local file system mounted on the server. Instructions on how to organize the layout of the model repository such that it can be parsed by triton inference server are captured here.

The Triton Client application is the user interface that sends inference requests to inference context spun up by the server. This can be written as a python client using the tritonclient package.

To understand Triton better, please refer to the official documentation.

Quick Start Instructions

Inorder to run the reference TAO Toolkit Triton client implementations in this TAO Toolkit, please follow the steps mentioned below:


In order to successfully run the examples defined in this repository, please install the following items.

Component Version
python 3.6.9 +
python3-pip >19.03.5
nvidia-container-toolkit >1.3.0-1
nvidia-driver >455
docker-ce 20.10.6

Install python dependencies

  • Set up virtualenvwrapper using the following instructions:

    You may follow the instructions in this here to setup a python virtualenv using a virtualenvwrapper.

    Once you have followed the instruction to install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper, set the Python version in the virtualenv. This can be done in either of the following ways, by:

    Defining the environment variable called VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON. This variable should point to the path where the python3 binary is installed in your local machine. You can also add it to your .bashrc or .bash_profile for setting your Python virtualenv by default.

    export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3

    Setting the path to the python3 binary when creating your virtualenv using the virtualenv wrapper

    mkvirtualenv triton_dev -p /path/to/your/python3

    Once you have created this virtualenv, you may reinstantiate this virtualenv on any terminal session simply by running

    workon triton_dev
  • Install python-pip dependencies

    This repositories relies on several third party python dependancies, which you may install to your virtualenv using the following command.

    pip3 install -r requirements-pip.txt
  • Install the tritonclient library.

    The NVIDIA TritonClient library is hosted on the nvidia-pyindex repository. You may execute the following commands, to install it.

    pip3 install nvidia-pyindex
    pip3 install tritonclient[all]
  • Add the tao_triton repository to the PYTHONPATH of the python environment.

    For a virtualenv, you may do so by executing the following command.

    add2virtualenv $TAO_TRITON_REPO_ROOT/tao_triton

    For native python, please run


Instantiate the Triton Server with sample models downloaded from NGC

The Triton model client applications in the repository requires users to set-up a Triton server using a TensorRT engine file. When running export, TAO Toolkit generates a .etlt file which is an intermediate format that can moved across hardware platforms.

This sample walks through setting up instances of inferencing the following models

  1. DashcamNet
  2. PeopleNet
  3. VehicleTypeNet
  4. LPRNet
  5. YOLOv3
  6. Peoplesegnet
  7. Retinanet
  8. Multitask_classification
  9. Pose_classification
  10. Re_identification
  11. VisualChangeNet
  12. CenterPose
  13. FoundationPose

Simply run the quick start script:

bash scripts/

Running the client samples

The Triton client to serve run TAO Toolkit models is implemented in the ${TAO_TRITON_REPO_ROOT}/tao_triton/python/entrypoints/ This implementation is a reference example run to detectnet_v2 , classification ,LPRNet , YOLOv3 , Peoplesegnet , Retinanet , Multitask_classification, Pose_classification, VisualChangeNet, CenterPose and FoundationPose.

The CLI options for this client application are as follows:

usage: [-h] [-v] [-a] [--streaming] -m MODEL_NAME [-x MODEL_VERSION] [-b BATCH_SIZE]
                     [--mode {Classification,DetectNet_v2,LPRNet,YOLOv3,Peoplesegnet,Retinanet,Multitask_classification,Pose_classification,Re_identification,VisualChangeNet,CenterPose,FoundationPose}]
                     [--img_dirs IMG_DIRS] [-u URL] [-i PROTOCOL] [--class_list CLASS_LIST] --output_path OUTPUT_PATH [--postprocessing_config POSTPROCESSING_CONFIG]
                     [--dataset_convert_config DATASET_CONVERT_CONFIG] [--test_dir TEST_DIR]

positional arguments:
  image_filename        Input image / Input folder / Input JSON / Input pose sequences.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output
  -a, --async           Use asynchronous inference API
  --streaming           Use streaming inference API. The flag is only available with gRPC protocol.
  -m MODEL_NAME, --model-name MODEL_NAME
                        Name of model
  -x MODEL_VERSION, --model-version MODEL_VERSION
                        Version of model. Default is to use latest version.
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size. Default is 1.
  --mode {Classification,DetectNet_v2,LPRNet,YOLOv3,Peoplesegnet,Retinanet,Multitask_classification,Pose_classification,Re_identification,VisualChangeNet,CenterPose,FoundationPose}
                        Type of scaling to apply to image pixels. Default is NONE.
  --img_dirs IMG_DIRS   Relative directory names for Siamese network input images
  -u URL, --url URL     Inference server URL. Default is localhost:8000.
  -i PROTOCOL, --protocol PROTOCOL
                        Protocol (HTTP/gRPC) used to communicate with the inference service. Default is HTTP.
  --class_list CLASS_LIST
                        Comma separated class names
  --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Path to where the inferenced outputs are stored.
  --postprocessing_config POSTPROCESSING_CONFIG
                        Path to the DetectNet_v2 clustering config.
  --dataset_convert_config DATASET_CONVERT_CONFIG
                        Path to the Pose Classification dataset conversion config.
  --test_dir TEST_DIR   Path to the Re Identification test image directory.
  --obj_file OBJ_FILE   Path to CAD model with OBJ format, only use for the object pose estimation.
  --intrinsic_file      Path to the camera intrinsic matrix txt file.
  --bbox                2d bounding box (umin,vmin,umax,vmax) for the initialization of FoundationPose.

Assuming that a Triton inference server with a valid Detectnet_v2 TensorRT engine has been set up, you may run the inference sample by using the following command.

For example,

  1. For PeopleNet:
python \
      /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
      -m peoplenet_tao \
      -x 1 \
      -b 8 \
      --mode DetectNet_v2 \
      --class_list person,bag,face \
      -i https \
      -u localhost:8000 \
      --async \
      --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory \
      --postprocessing_config $tao_triton_root/tao_triton/python/clustering_specs/clustering_config_peoplenet.prototxt 
  1. For DashCamNet:
python \
      /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
      -m dashcamnet_tao \
      --class_list car,bicycle,person,road_sign \
      -x 1 \
      -b 8 \
      --mode DetectNet_v2 \
      -i https \
      -u localhost:8000 \
      --async \
      --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory \
      --postprocessing_config $tao_triton_root/tao_triton/python/clustering_specs/clustering_config_dashcamnet.prototxt 
  1. For running an Image Classification model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m vehicletypenet_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Classification \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The output is generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/results.txt, with in the following format.

/path/to/image.jpg, 1.0000(2)= class_2, 0.0000(0)= class_0, 0.0000(3)= class_3, 0.0000(5)= class_5, 0.0000(4)= class_4, 0.0000(1)= class_1 .. 0.000(N)= class_N
  1. For running LPRNet model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m lprnet_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode LPRNet \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test dataset can be downloaded from For example, run following command to download. wget The output is generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/results.txt, with in the following format.

/path/to/image.jpg : ['xxxxx']
  1. For running YOLOv3 model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m yolov3_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode YOLOv3 \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test image can be downloaded via following command. wget The infered images are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_images. The labels are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_labels.

  1. For running Peoplesegnet model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m peoplesegnet_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Peoplesegnet \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test image can be downloaded via following command. wget The infered images are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_images. The labels are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_labels.

  1. For running Retinanet model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m retinanet_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Retinanet \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test image can be downloaded via following command. wget The infered images are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_images. The labels are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/infer_labels.

  1. For running Multitask_classification model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m multitask_classification_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Multitask_classification \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test dataset can be downloaded from Before logining, you will need a Kaggle account. The inferenced results are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/result.txt.

  1. For running Pose_classification model, if the input is a formatted Numpy array, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/file/of/pose/sequences \
       -m pose_classification_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Pose_classification \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test dataset can be downloaded from here. The inferenced results are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/results.txt.

The input can also be a JSON file generated from the deepstream-bodypose-3d app, and the command line would be as follows:

python \
       /path/to/a/json/file/of/pose/metadata \
       --dataset_convert_config /path/to/a/yaml/file/of/dataset/convert/config \
       -m pose_classification_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode Pose_classification \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The inferenced results are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/results.json, which follow the same format as the JSON metadata from deepstream-bodypose-3d and add predicted "action" to each object at each frame.

Note that the frame sequence of each object is broken into skeleton segments by a dataset converter (see the figure below). The sequence_length and sequence_overlap are configurable in dataset_convert_config_pose_classification.yaml. The output labels are assigned to frames after certain period of time.

To perform end-to-end inference, run the following quick start script to start the server (only the Pose Classification model will be downloaded and converted):

bash scripts/pose_cls_e2e_inference/

Then run the following script for body pose estimation from DeepStream and sending an inference request to the server:

bash scripts/pose_cls_e2e_inference/
  1. For running Re_identification model, the command line would be as follows:
python \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/query/images \
       --test_dir /path/to/a/directory/of/test/images \
       -m re_identification_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 16 \
       --mode Re_identification \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory

The test dataset can be downloaded from here. The inferenced results are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/results.json.

To perform end-to-end inference, run the following quick start script to start the server (only the Re-Identification model will be downloaded and converted):

bash scripts/re_id_e2e_inference/

Then run the following script for re-identification and sending an inference request to the server:

bash scripts/re_id_e2e_inference/
  1. For running VisualChangeNet model, the command line would be as follows:
python tao_triton/python/entrypoints/ \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m visual_changenet_segmentation_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode VisualChangeNet \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory \
       --img_dirs "A" \
       --img_dirs "B"

The infered images are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/

  1. For running CenterPose model, the command line would be as follows:
  • Note that please make sure the camera calibration infomation is correct before running the command line in clustering_config_centerpose.prototxt.
python tao_triton/python/entrypoints/ \
       /path/to/a/directory/of/images \
       -m centerpose_tao \
       -x 1 \
       -b 1 \
       --mode CenterPose \
       -i https \
       -u localhost:8000 \
       --async \
       --output_path /path/to/the/output/directory \
       --postprocessing_config $tao_triton_root/tao_triton/python/clustering_specs/clustering_config_centerpose.prototxt

The infered images and the related json files are generated in the /path/to/the/output/directory/

  1. For running FoundationPose model, the command line would be as follows:
  • Note that please make sure the camera calibration infomation is correct before running the command.
  • Please provide the first frame object 2d bounding box as the initialization of the FoundationPose.
  • Please make sure the file names are able to sort because the FoundationPose comes with the tracking function.
  • Please confirm the sub-folders, which are containing the RGB image and the related depth image. The image depth is in meter unit.
  • The OBJ file requires the texture image in the same folder.

Demo Data for the inference pipeline:

  • Please download the demo data from this link (the inference data is from the official Github repo).
  • The following example is based on data.
  • The final results could be found in mustard0/track_vis/ folder.
python tao_triton/python/entrypoints/ \
        mustard0/ \
        -m foundationpose_refiner_tao,foundationpose_scorer_tao \
        -x 1 \
        -b 1 \
        --mode Foundationpose \
        -i https -u localhost:8000 \
        --async \
        --output_path mustard0/track_vis/ \
        --img_dirs rgb \
        --img_dirs depth \
        --obj_file mustard0/mesh/textured_simple.obj \
        --intrinsic_file mustard0/cam_K.txt \
        --bbox 100,264,173,345