Welcome to the JavaScript Classes repository! This repository contains code examples, exercises, and resources from the JavaScript sessions I taught at Veda Institute.
This repository serves as a reference for students who attended the JavaScript training sessions. It covers fundamental to advanced JavaScript concepts with hands-on examples.
- JavaScript Basics: Variables, Data Types, Operators
- Functions: Declaration, Arrow Functions, Callbacks
- Objects & Arrays: Properties, Methods, Destructuring
- ES6+ Features: Template Literals, Spread & Rest Operators
- DOM Manipulation: Selecting & Modifying Elements, Event Listeners
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await, Fetch API
- OOP in JavaScript: Classes, Prototypes, Inheritance
- Modules & Import/Export
- Error Handling & Debugging
- Students from Veda Institute
- JavaScript beginners
Feel free to submit issues, suggest improvements, or contribute to the repo with additional examples.
For any questions, reach out via GitHub Issues or email at [email protected].
Happy Coding! 🚀