Nuvoled Application in Java
- Java 19.0.1 required
- Tested on Windows / (Mac) / Linux (Jetson)
New Version out v3.1 with rgb565 support
java -jar nuvoled.jar -h
for help
Chose Panel: -p
"P4" -> NuvoLED P4
"P5" -> NuvoLED P5 (Outdoor)
- rotation in rgb565 mode
-p,--Panel <arg> choose Panel
-px,--panelsx <1> Number of Panels horizontal
-py,--panelsy <1> Number of Panels vertical
-br,--brightness <0.6> brightness value with 0.x -1.x
-o,--offset <0> offset (Contrast)
-r,--rotation <0> rotation degree 0/90/180/270
-rgb,--rgb565 sets the mode to rgb565
-s,--sleep <0> sleep ime in ms
-sn,--screennr <0> number of screen
Single Dimmer Channel for dimming the hole image:
-a,--artnet <<ip>> enables artnet
-ac,--artnetChannel << 0 - 513 >> artnet channel
-ad,--artnetDebug enables artnet debug
-as,--artnetSubnet << 0 - 16 >> artnet subnet
-au,--artnetUniverse << 0 - 16 >> artnet universe
-b,--bind bind to interface 169.254
-fps,--fps prints out fps
-sx,--startx <0> Pixel start horizontal
-sy,--starty <0> Pixal start vertical
to binde the interface
-s 60
to set the delay between two frames
you need to set the sleep
-s 60
to set the delay between two frames
should work out of the box
java -jar nuvoled.jar start [ip] [Pannal x] [Pannel y] screen [ 90/180/270] [screen number] [x] [y] [colorMode] [bind to interface true/false] [brightness] [offset]