- CMake installed(https://cmake.org/download/) 3.14 or newer
- Visual studio 2017 or 2019 installed (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/)
- Submodules should be checked out/initialized, the gitsubmodulecheckout.bat command should do this for you if you're unfamiliar with it.
- Navigate to %repoLocation%\build_scripts\windows
- Run the build script for your visual studio version
- Open the engine solution in Visual Studio (this is done for you by the build script)
- Select your preferred configuration (Debug, RelWithDebInfo, Release, etc).
- In the projects pane, right click "restful_runtime" and click "build". This must also be your "StartUp Project", the CMake should make this default.
- When the build is completed, press F5 to launch
- A console should appear, followed by a window displaying a character model.