A robust biometric authentication module built for Flutter applications, providing an easy and clean way to handle biometric-based authentication workflows.
This module simplifies the integration of Biometric Authentication using local device biometrics (FaceID, Fingerprint, etc.). It provides services for enabling, disabling, and authenticating using biometrics, with proper exception handling and extensibility.
- Check Biometric Availability: Verify if biometrics are supported on the device.
- Enable Biometric: Set up biometric authentication.
- Authenticate with Biometrics: Perform secure biometric .
- Disable Biometric: Remove biometric authentication settings.
- Error Handling: Consistent exception management for better error reporting.
- Message Handling: Pass corresponding messages that the user sees during usage.
The module follows a clean and modular architecture:
└── src/
├── exceptions/
│ ├── error_messages.dart # Contains error message constants.
│ ├── exceptions.dart # General exception exports.
│ └── biometric_auth_exception.dart # Custom exception for biometrics.
├── messages/
│ ├── messages.dart # General messages exports.
│ └── biometric_auth_messages.dart # Biometric-specific messages.
├── services/
│ ├── biometric_auth_manager.dart # Handles biometric authentication logic.
│ └── biometric_auth_provider.dart # High-level provider for biometric features.
└── biometric.dart # Entry point file to export module classes.
└── mocks/
├── mocks.dart # Manual mock dependencies.
└── mocks.mocks.dart # Generated mocks via Mockito.
└── services/
├── biometric_auth_provider_test.dart # Tests for BiometricAuthProvider.
└── biometric_auth_manager_test.dart # Tests for BiometricAuthManager.
- Add this module in target's
path: path o this module
- Generate mocks for unit tests using
flutter pub run build_runner build
- The plugin will build and run on SDK 16+, but isDeviceSupported() will always return false before SDK 23 (Android 6.0).
- Activity Changes Note that local_auth requires the use of a FragmentActivity instead of an Activity. To update your application:
If you are using FlutterActivity directly, change it to FlutterFragmentActivity in your AndroidManifest.xml.
If you are using a custom activity, update your MainActivity.java:
class MainActivity extends FlutterFragmentActivity {
// ...
class MainActivity:
FlutterFragmentActivity() {
// ...
to inherit from FlutterFragmentActivity.
- Permissions Update your project's AndroidManifest.xml file to include the USE_BIOMETRIC permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC"/>
- Compatibility On Android, you can check only for existence of fingerprint hardware prior to API 29 (Android Q).
import 'package:biometric/src/services/biometric_auth_provider.dart';
final biometricAuthProvider = BiometricAuthProvider(
localAuth: LocalAuthentication(),
secureStorage: FlutterSecureStorage(),
reasonMessage: 'Authenticate to proceed',
biometricOnly: true,
stickyAuth: false,
try {
final isAvailable = await biometricAuthProvider.isBiometricAvailable();
print('Biometrics available: $isAvailable');
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
try {
final success = await biometricAuthProvider.enableBiometric();
print('Biometric enabled: $success');
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
try {
final isAuthenticated = await biometricAuthProvider.authenticate();
print('User authenticated: $isAuthenticated');
} catch (e) {
print('Authentication failed: $e');
try {
final success = await biometricAuthProvider.disableBiometric();
print('Biometric disabled: $success');
} catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
All exceptions related to biometric operations are wrapped in the BiometricAuthException
try {
await biometricAuthProvider.isBiometricAvailable();
} catch (e) {
if (e is BiometricAuthException) {
print('Handled Biometric Error: ${e.message}');
} else {
print('Unhandled Error: $e');
Error messages are centralized in ErrorMessages
for consistent reporting.
Corresponding messages which user see during usage are handling by BiometricAuthMessages
Developer can pass parameters through BiometricAuthProvider
class BiometricAuthProvider {
String? lockOut,
String? goToSettingsButtonText,
String? goToSettingsDescription,
String? cancelButtonText,
String? localizedFallbackTitle,
}) {
_biometricAuthManager = BiometricAuthManager(
cancelButtonText: cancelButtonText,
goToSettingsButtonText: goToSettingsButtonText,
goToSettingsDescription: goToSettingsDescription,
localizedFallbackTitle: localizedFallbackTitle,
lockOut: lockOut,
Unit tests are provided for both BiometricAuthManager
and BiometricAuthProvider
- Mocks: Generated using Mockito for
. - Example Test:
('should return true if biometrics are available', () async {
when(mockManager.isBiometricAvailable()).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
final result = await provider.isBiometricAvailable();
expect(result, true);
To run tests:
flutter test
For support or questions, don't hesitate to contact Me through Email or LinkedIn.