Beller-ecommerce is an full-stack wep application built using PERN (Postgres, Express, React and Node) with typical shopping functionalites, including shopper browsing and shop management (this is also my final project of Software Analysis and Design subject).
- Blog: search for blog posts by titles and topics, view and comment (incomplete) on blog content.
- Product: allow customers to browse products by their name, category, brand and price range, comments on products (incomplete), review products after purchase.
- Shopping cart feature: enable users to add, update quantity and delete items from cart, check out and place order.
- Blog (editor role): create, update and delete blog topics and blog posts.
- Product (editor role): create, update and delete product, product properties (category, brand, size, color) and product variants.
- User (admin role): create, update user profiles and search for users by their info (name, email, phone, address).
- Order (admin role): search orders by customers' name, phone, address, order ID, order status,... and update order status.
- Report (admin role): present the overview of current month (number of new users, new orders and sales), release (daily, monthly) sales and order statistics and list of top-selling products.
- Postgres - SQL database for storing data
- TypeORM - ORM used to create and query data from database
- Express - build web server (used with Typescript)
- TSOA - build OpenAPI-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node
- JsonWebToken - generate and verify access token and refress token
- Morgan and Winston - info and error logging for both development and production environment
- React and Material UI (v4) - building user interface
- Reduct - manage gloal state (used with Thunk middleware)
- Axios - fetching data and handle expired requests
- Cloundianry - storing images
This app requires Node.js v12+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start React app in client.
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ npm start
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start Express app in server.
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
In React app:
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_KEY=<key for google map API>
REACT_APP_HEROKU_URL=<server host in production>
REACT_APP_CLOUDINARY_URL=<cloudinary api key for storing image>
In Express app:
POSTGRES_USER=<postgres user in local>
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres password in local>
POSTGRES_DB=<postgres db name in local>
POSTGRES_DB_TEST=<postgres db name in local>
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=<secret key for generate, verify access token>
REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET=<secret key for generate, verify refresh token>
CLIENT_URL_LOCAL=<client url in local host>
CLIENT_URL=<client url in production>
HEROKU_POSTGRES_HOST=<postgres host in heroku>
HEROKU_POSTGRES_PORT=<postgres port>
HEROKU_POSTGRES_USER=<postgres user in heroku>
HEROKU_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<postgres password in heroku>
HEROKU_POSTGRES_DB=<postgres db name in heroku>
Belle-Ecommerce is also containerized with Docker and delivered in Docker Hub.
(Work in progress...)