Vuemee is a modern movie platform where users can puchase and share tickets, comment on, and review their favorite movies.
Clone the repo to your machine
git clone [email protected]:LarryBarker/vuemee.git
cd vuemee
Install composer dependencies
composer install
Install npm dependencies and build assets
npm install && npm run dev
Copy env configuration file
cp .env.example.env
Generate a fresh application
php artisan key:generate
Create a new Mysql database named vuemee
Run migrations and seed database
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Serve the application and visit the provided address
php artisan serve
You can now browse movies, register for an account, login, and rate movies and order tickets.
There is a basic test suite that can be run with the following command
Vuemee is built using Laravel, Breeze, Inertia and Vue.js. The best place to learn Laravel is by reading the documentation or watching videos on Laracasts.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.