We are going to jump in and get our hands dirty with hardware on a real problem. We'll learn how open hardware, and the fast growing support for this hardware with node modules, has put building real world devices within the reach of all of us. In this training, we are going to build a global climate monitoring system around the AirPi shield for the Raspberry Pi.
- 1: How you can use I2C to connect lots of interesting chips and sensors.
- 2: Use the 'bmp085' module with node.js on the Raspberry Pi to measure the temperature of the room.
- 3: How to collect and distribute this data using the Nitrogen platform.
- 4: How to build an application that combines all of the sensors in the room (and elsewhere) into a climate monitoring map.
In order to prepare to this training you should do the following list of readings and exercises. If you have questions, please open an issue and we will be glad to answer (you are probably helping other participants too!)
- 1: I2C: This is a hardware communications bus that many chips include support for.
- 3: i2c module: Modules that makes communicating with many devices based on I2C possible.
- 2: AirPi: A climate montoring shield for the Raspberry Pi that we'll use during this training.
- 4: bmp085 module: Module that provides support for the BMP085 chip that measures temperature and pressure.
- 5: Nitrogen: Read through the overview sections of the Nitrogen platform documentation.
- 1: Register for a Nitrogen account.
- 2: Work through the Nitrogen guide for making your laptop's camera internet controllable.
- 3: Download your Raspbian image from the Nitrogen web admin: https://admin.nitrogen.io/#/apikeys
- Rogério Vicente - rogeriopvl
- David Cruz - dcruz
- Nelson Correia - nelsonic
- Ines Teles - iteles
- Afonso Oliveira - afonsomota
- Luis Naia - darkbls
- André Santos - andrefs
- Frederic Hemberger - fhemberger
- Mario Nzualo - marionzualo
- Oliver Zeigermann - DJCordhose
- Franz Enzenhofer - franzenzenhofer
- Nuno Rosa - yarcub
- Paulo Miranda - pauloabmiranda
- James Wood - jamesjwood
- Sebastian Golasch - asciidisco
- Manuel Cajada - cajadas
- João Reis - joao-reis
- Zoltan Feher - zkiiito
- Rui Patinha - rfp
- Pedro Melo Pereira - pmelopereira
- Marco Ferreira - xpt0
- Miguel Palhas - naps62
- André Neves - andrefgneves
- Hugo Mota - hugomota
- Nelson Fonseca - nlfonseca
- Ricardo Correia - extravaganza47
- Tiago Duque - bikerpower
- Bruno Abrantes - inf0rmer
- Leonardo Aretakis - leoaretakis
- Ronaldo Sousa - ronaldofs
- João Gomes - jamgomes
- Luís Miranda - luispmiranda
- Marta Maio - martarsm
- João Fernandes - joaoflf
- Juliana Pereira - jvpereira
- António Pires - borgesPires
- Peter Milan - pity
- Alex McFadyen - a-c-m
- Mario Mendes - MMendes999
- Mike Bartlett - mydigitalself
- Walter Carvalho - waltervascarvalho
- Sugendran Ganess - sugendran
- Pedro Nunes - pmiguelrn
- Nuno Veloso - nunoveloso
- John Brett - johnbrett
- Pedro Carrico - pedrocarrico
- Nelson Neves - nneves
- Paulo Vieira - paulovieira
- Robert Kowalski - robertkowalski
- Matej Nemcek - yangwao
- Luis Confraria - luisbug
- Ricardo Tomasi - ricardobeat
- David Bruant - DavidBruant
- Michael Geers - naltatis
- Marco Pantaleo - peeofive
- Jorge Braz - jorgepcbraz
- Alex Treppass - alextreppass
- Tiago Rodrigues - trodrigues
- Nuno Costa - naflcosta
- Dominic Lüchinger - dol
- Miguel Pereira - miguelampereira
- Ricardo Soares - rsoares
- Matthias Knoll - kohlikohl
- Matteo Collina - mcollina
- Mike Brevoort - mbrevoort
- Tracy Hinds - hackygolucky
- Charlie Robbins - indexzero
- Jonathan Lipps - jlipps
- Sandro Maio - sandromaio
- Peter Vanhee - pvhee
- Bruno Assunção - BrunoAssuncao
- Bruno Rodrigues - bmmrodrigues
- Andy Trevorah - trevorah
- Mauro Henriques - Degetel-mhenriques
- Espen Hovlandsdal - rexxars
- Andre Duarte - onemanclapping
- Gergely Nemeth - gergelyke
- Mario Goncalves - mariomc
- Gegely Szanto - szantogeri
- Ricardo Batista - nihildacta