CovidRateApp allows you to observe the Covid cases of diferent status in each country or in the world Currently CovidRate is desktop only application.
Main screen of website represents a table with few lines of world wide covid rate. Information that represents in table is getting from covid-19-api Last date of updating is provided as well as information charts bellow the table.
This page provides to user the ability of choosing country, date and status for searching covid cases information more accurately. Also Date filter is included into functionality. With V0.4 was included new GENERAL filter that provides more detail information about covid status for each country
To run this project, install it locally cloning repo, than using npm:
> cd ./covid-rate
> npm install
> npm start
- V0.1 [First version - first deploy]
- V0.2 [TailwindCSS was added]
- V0.3 [New Custom Page design]
- V0.4 [updated API]
- V0.5 [Charts added]
- V0.6 [New design added]
- V0.7 [Current]