This is a repository for integration of A-Form projects.
You can deploy all services of aform to kubernetes or test them using docker compose through the configuration files in this repository.
You need to install below tools before deploying aform to kubernetes.
You can check example helm customization files in example-values
- Install kubernetes and kubectl (e.g. Guide)
- Install Ingress Controller (e.g. nginx-ingress)
- Optional: Install ArgoCD for continuous deployment
- Install Rook for Ceph storage (e.g. Guide)
- Create .env file by using .env.template
- Optional: Create a namespace for aform
- Create a secret by using
- Deploy all services by using below command
# Using kubectl
git clone
cd aform-cluster
kubectl apply -f k8s
# Using argocd
argocd app create aform --repo --path k8s --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace default
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Create .env file by using .env.template
- Deploy all services by using below command
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd aform-cluster
docker compose up -d
If submodules are not updated, use below command to update them.
git submodule update --remote --merge
A-Form cluster is composed of below repositories.