style-assistant WIP
npm install --save style-assistant
import Assistant from 'style-assistant'
const myAssistant= new Assistant({})
npm install --save style-assistant
Link | Description | Tools Used |
This Example shows how you can recreate styled-system and rebass with responsiveProp | responsiveProp & switchProp | |
WIP- demos for API usage below | ALL |
Usage Here
import Assistant from 'style-assistant'
const config={}
const styler= new Assistant(config)
const {
}= new Assistant(config)
config descriptions
Key | Default Value | Description | Used in |
defaultTheme | {} | defaultTheme is a fallback object if a theme or theme value is not provided within props | getTheme |
baseFontSize | 16 | Used for unit conversion utils | pxTo |
themeKey | 'theme' | Although 'theme' is the norm, some other libraries pass theme as '$theme' | getTheme |
breakpointsKey | 'breakpoints' | This is used for responsive utils and toMq util | responsiveProp,responsiveBoolProp |
transformOptions | {defaultLookup: false, defaultTransform: false, keys: {}, getter: {}, functions: {pxToRem ,pxToEm ,pxToPct } } |
Set Global options for the transformStyle util | transformStyle |
responsivePropOptions | {transform: false} | Set Global options for responsivePropOptions | responsiveProp |
switchPropOptions | {transform: false} | Set Global options for switchPropOptions | switchProp |
parserOptions | {transform: false} | Set Global options for parserOptions | parser |
import Assistant from 'style-assistant'
import defaultTheme from './theme'
import defaultLookups from './defaultLookups'
const config = {
baseFontSize: 16, /// Unitless value used for unit conversions Utils
themeKey: 'theme', /// Unitless value used for unit conversions Utils
breakpointsKey: 'breakpoints',
transformOptions: {
defaultLookup: true,
defaultTransform: true,
keys: defaultLookups.keys,
getter: defaultLookups.getter,
functions: defaultLookups.functions,
responsivePropOptions: {
transform: false,
switchPropOptions: {
transform: false,
parserOptions: {
transform: false
export default new Assistant(config)
Example Theme
/// Any theme attribute can be an value, array or object
export default {
// breakpoints:[640,832,1024],
breakpoints: {
tablet: 640,
laptop: 832,
desktop: 1024
space: {
none: 0,
xxs: 2,
xs: 4,
sm: 8,
md: 16,
lg: 32,
xl: 64,
xxl: 128
fontSizes: {
xs: 12,
sm: 14,
md: 16,
lg: 20,
xl: 24,
xxl: 32,
xxxl: 48
colors: {
red: "#f5222d",
const identity = x => x
/// Any theme attribute can be an value, array or object
export default {
keys: {
/// Default themeKey to use id matching cssProp is found within transformStyle
margin: 'space',
marginTop: 'space',
marginBottom: 'space',
marginLeft: 'space',
marginRight: 'space',
padding: 'space',
paddingTop: 'space',
paddingBottom: 'space',
paddingLeft: 'space',
paddingRight: 'space',
color: 'colors',
fontSize: 'fontSizes',
fontFamily: 'fonts',
lineHeight: 'lineHeights',
fontWeight: 'fontWeights',
letterspace: 'letterspaces',
maxWidth: 'maxWidths',
minWidths: 'minWidths',
height: 'heights',
gridGap: 'space',
gridColumnGap: 'space',
gridRowGap: 'space',
border: 'borders',
borderColor: 'colors',
backgroundColor: 'colors',
boxShadow: 'shadows',
getter: {
/// Default getter to use id matching cssProp is found within transformStyle, can be string to match functions below or function
margin: 'pxToRem',
marginTop: 'pxToRem',
marginBottom: 'pxToRem',
marginLeft: 'pxToRem',
marginRight: 'pxToRem',
padding: 'pxToRem',
paddingTop: 'pxToRem',
paddingBottom: 'pxToRem',
paddingLeft: 'pxToRem',
paddingRight: 'pxToRem',
fontSize: 'px',
functions: {
// Shorthand lookup functions. used in switchProp. If value is a string of one of the keys below, then will call corresponding function with corresponding prop value
returnAsIs: identity, //Can add aliases
propValue: identity, //alias
self: identity, //alias
px: x => parseFloat(x) + 'px',
ms: x => parseFloat(x) + 'ms',
pct: x => {
x = parseFloat(x)
x = Math.abs(x) < 1 ? x * 100 : x
return x + '%'
- pxTo
- config.baseFontSize
- pxToEm
- pxToRem
- pxToPct
- pxToPct
- pxToRelative
- normalize
- normalizeToEm
- normalizeToRem
- toMq
- getTheme
- config.themeKey
- config.defaultTheme
- transformStyle
- getTheme
- config.transformOptions
- config.alwaysTransform
- responsiveProp
- getTheme
- config.breakpointsKey
- toMq
- transformStyle
- config.responsivePropOptions
- responsiveBoolProp
- getTheme
- config.breakpointsKey
- toMq
- transformStyle
- switchProp
- responsiveProp
- responsiveBoolProp
- transformStyle
- config.transformOptions.functions
- config.switchPropOptions
- parser
Deps: | config.baseFontSize. |
Live Example: Sandbox
unit => pxNumber || pxString => converted
[Description Here]
Deps: | pxTo |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.pxToEm(16) //=> '1em'
Deps: | pxTo |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.pxToRem(16) //=> '1rem'
Deps: | pxTo |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.pxToPct(16) //=> '1%'
Deps: | pxTo |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here] Returns untiless relative number.
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.pxToRelative(16) //=> 1
Deps: | pxTo |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
Deps: | normalize | Live Example: Sandbox [Description Here]
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.normalizeToEm(16,'.5rem') //=> '2em'
const example2=styler.normalizeToEm(16, 8) //=> '2em'
Deps: | normalize |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const styler= new Assistant({baseFontSize:16})
const example=styler.normalizeToEm(16,'.5rem') //=> '2rem'
const example2=styler.normalizeToEm(16, 8) //=> '2rem'
Deps: | config.themeKey | config.defaultTheme |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const defaultTheme = { colors: { "red": "#f5222d" } }
const { getTheme } = new Assistant({ defaultTheme })
const emptyProps = {}
const withProps = { theme: { colors: { blue: 'myBlueColor' } } }
let o = {}
o.withEmptyProps = getTheme('colors')(emptyProps) //=>"red": "#f5222d"
o.withProps = getTheme('colors')(withProps) //=>"blue": "myBlueColor"
o.dotNotation = getTheme('')(emptyProps) //=>"#f5222d",
o.fallsBacktoDefaultTheme = getTheme('')(withProps) //=> "#f5222d"
Deps: | pxToEm |
Live Example: Sandbox
Used in responsive utilties. quick helper to convert object to media query string. Currently depends on the 'pxToEm' functions.
import React from 'react'
import styled from './styled'
import styler from './styler'
const StyledExample = () => {
const Example = {
color: 'red',
[styler.toMq({ screen: true, min: 400 })]: { color: 'blue' },
//Example=>{"color":"red","@media screen and (min-width:25em)":{"color":"blue"}}
const Component = styled('div')(Example)
return (
Deps: | getTheme | config.transformOptions | config.alwaysTransform |
Live Example: Sandbox
[Description Here]
const identity = x => x
const transformOptions = {
functions: {
identity, /// usefull in long switchProp Blocks
self: identity, //alias
px: x => parseFloat(x) + 'px'
const defaultTheme = { space: { none: 0, xxs: 2, xs: 4, sm: 8, md: 16, lg: 32, xl: 64, xxl: 128, } }
const { transformStyle } = new Assistant({ transformOptions, defaultTheme })
const emptyProps = {}
const withProps = { theme: { colors: { blue: 'myBlueColor' } } }
const exampleOptions = {
key: 'space',
getter: 'pxToRem',
//// *************************All below will result to {"marginTop": "1rem"}*******************************
let o = {}
o.Basic = transformStyle({ cssProp: 'marginTop', value: "1rem"})(emptyProps)
o.Converts = transformStyle({ cssProp: 'marginTop', value: 16, getter: 'pxToRem', })(emptyProps)
o.looksUpValue = transformStyle({ cssProp: 'marginTop', value: 'md', key: 'space', getter: 'pxToRem', })(emptyProps)
o.postFnOrGetter = transformStyle({ cssProp: 'marginTop', value: 'md', key: 'space', postFn: 'pxToRem', })(emptyProps)
/// preFn options runs the raw value before applying theme lookup or getter/postfn
o.preFn = transformStyle({ cssProp: 'marginTop', value: 8, key: 'space', postFn: 'pxToRem', preFn: v => v * 2 })(emptyProps)
Deps: | getTheme | toMq | transformStyle | config.breakpointsKey |
Live Example:Sandbox
[Description Here]
const defaultTheme = {
fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128] ,
fontSizesObj: {xs:12,sm:14, md:16, lg:20} ,
breakpoints: [640, 832, 1024]
const responsivePropOptions={transform:true}
const { responsiveProp,px } = new Assistant({ defaultTheme,responsivePropOptions })
let o = {}
cssProp: "fontSize",
prop: "fontSize",
})({fontSize:'2px'}) //=>{"fontSize": "2px"}
cssProp: "fontSize",
key: "fontSizes",
prop: "fontSize",
})({fontSize:1}) //=>"{fontSize": "14px"}
cssProp: "fontSize",
key: "fontSizes",
prop: "fontSize",
})({fontSize:[1,2]})//=>{"fontSize": "14px","@media screen and (min-width:40em)": {"fontSize": "16px" }}
cssProp: "fontSize",
key: "fontSizes",
prop: "fontSize",
})({fontSize:[1,2]})//=>{ "fontSize": "0.875rem", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "fontSize": "1rem" } }
cssProp: "fontSize",
key: "fontSizesObj",
prop: "fontSize",
})({fontSize:["sm",'md']})//=>{ "fontSize": "14px", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "fontSize": "16px" } }
Deps: | getTheme | toMq | config.breakpointsKey |
Live Example:Sandbox
This function is useful if you have a css property with a static default value, and want to apply to certain breakpoints
const defaultTheme = {
breakpoints: [640, 832, 1024]
const defaultTheme2 = {
breakpoints: {'sm':640,'md':832, 'lg':1024}
const responsivePropOptions={transform:true}
const { responsiveBoolProp } = new Assistant({ defaultTheme,responsivePropOptions })
const { responsiveBoolProp:responsiveBoolProp2 } = new Assistant({ defaultTheme:defaultTheme2,responsivePropOptions })
const hidden=responsiveBoolProp({
T: 'none',
F: 'block',
cssProp: 'display',
prop: 'isHidden'
const hidden2=responsiveBoolProp2({
T: 'none',
F: 'block',
cssProp: 'display',
prop: 'isHidden'
let o = {}
o.basic= hidden({isHidden:true})
//=>{ "display": "none" }
o.responsive= hidden({isHidden:[true,false]})
//=>{ "display": "none", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "display": "block" } }
o.basicObjBP= hidden({isHidden:true})
//=>{ "display": "none" }
o.responsiveObjBP= hidden({isHidden:[true,false]})
//=>{ "display": "none", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "display": "block" } }
//=>{ "display": "none", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "display": "block" } }
Deps: | responsiveProp| responsiveBoolProp | transformStyle | config.transformOptions.functions | config.switchPropOptions |
Live Example:Sandbox
[Description Here] Useful SwitchStatement like style block.
Basic Example
const defaultTheme = {
breakpoints: { tablet: 640, laptop: 832, desktop: 1024 },
space: { none: 0, xxs: 2, xs: 4, sm: 8, md: 16, lg: 32, xl: 64, xxl: 128 },
const transformOptions = { functions: { identity:x=>x, px: x => parseFloat(x) + 'px', }, }
const switchPropOptions={transform:true}
const { switchProp,pxToRem } = new Assistant({ defaultTheme,switchPropOptions,transformOptions })
///Use switch props for alias prop Targets
const padding = switchProp(
padding: "identity",
p: "identity",
default: '.25rem'
cssProp: "padding",
key: "space",
let o = {}
o.basic = padding({ p: '16px' })
//=>{ "padding": "1rem" }
o.basic2 = padding({ padding: 8 })
//=>{ "padding": "0.5rem" }
o.orderMatters = padding({ p: 8, padding: '16px' })
//=>{ "padding": "1rem" }
o.UsesDefault = padding({})
//=>{ "padding": ".25rem" }
o.responsive = padding({ p: [16, 8] })
//=>{ "padding": "1rem", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "padding": "0.5rem" } }
o.responsiveWithObj = padding({ p: { desktop: 8 } })
//=>{ "@media screen and (min-width:64em)": { "padding": "0.5rem" } }
o.looksUpSpaceTheme = padding({ p: 'sm' })
//=>{ "padding": "0.5rem" }
o.responsiveThemeLookup = padding({ p: ['sm', 'md', 'lg'] })
//=>{ "padding": "0.5rem", "@media screen and (min-width:40em)": { "padding": "1rem" }, "@media screen and (min-width:52em)": { "padding": "2rem" } }
Deps: | switchProp | responsiveProp | responsiveBoolProp | toMq |
Live Example:
[Description Here] parser aka styler.
const parser =
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