The raylib extras untitiles have been moved to a seperate orginaization
This code is old and unmaintained.
Utilities and shared components for use with raylib (
This branch is for compatability with raylib git head (~3.8/4.0)
For compatability with raylib 3.7 please see
For compatability with raylib 3.5 please see
This project is under the ZLib/libpng License
Raylib Extras is made up of two main libraries,
This is a pure C library that can be build static or dynamic (DLL). It contains the following components.
A first person view camera system. Breaking changes from 3.5. BeginModeFP3DTexture has been removed, BeginModeFP3D now works for both the screeen and render textures.
A third person view camera system that orbits a target point based on mouse input
A free flight camera that does not have gimbal lock problems.
Frustum extraction with functions for testing point, sphere, and Axis Alligned Bounding Box against it. Useful for view culling.
Geometry Extensions for raylib, including functions to create dynamic meshes.
Sprite Management system
This is a C++ library that can be build static. It contains the following components.
A first person view camera system with support for user settable near and far clipping planes.
Sprite Management system
A simple asset management system
Raylib Extras uses premake, a premake5.lua file is included in the repository. Simply use it to create the build files for your target system. See for more info. The repository also uses raylib as a submodule in the raylib folder so it can build the examples.
Examples will be included in the project files generated by premake.
- download premake5.exe from
- copy it into the raylib extras folder
- run premake.bat
Premake will then generate all the visual studio projects needed. You can open them with the RaylibExtras.sln that will be created in the root folder of the repository.
Other platforms will work in a similar way.
Premake scripts for raylib alone and a sample game project.
Exprimental tiled reading and rendering for raylib.
All compoents are licensed under the MIT license.
Many thanks to those that have submited fixes and updates to Raylib Extras.
Do you want to contribute to raylibExtras? Check out CONTRIBUTING