This is a simple multi-document UI for the Git executable (and other versioning systems in a near future). It is not meant to compete with paywares, just provide minimal versioning functionality.
- Qt 5.13
- QtCreator 4.9.1
- qt-plus - Copyright myself
- Make sure to update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Open / in QtCreator
- Build and run
- Open one or more repositories
- Refresh view
- For repositories of type Git and Gerrit:
- Show repository status (clean, merge, rebase, ...)
- Show repository files as a flat list, colored according to status
- Show the branches and tags
- Show the branch log
- Show the graph as output by Git (might be graphical some day)
- Show the selected file's log
- Show the unstaged diffs in the selected item (folder or file)
- Show the output of the executed commands
- Change current branch
- Mark files as staged / unstaged
- Remove files form tracking
- Revert files
- Commit
- Amend (on interactive rebase, commit is always amend)
- Fetch, pull and push
- Modify a commit message
- Rebase current branch on another one
- Merge current branch with another one
- Begin rebase on a commit, continue and abort rebase
- Reset on a commit
- Save and pop stash (no selectable stash yet)
- Branch from a commit
- Tag a commit
- View diff with previous commit
- View diff between any two commits
- For repositories of type Mercurial:
- Show the branches
- Show repository files as a flat list, colored according to status
- Mark files as staged / unstaged
- Show the branch log
- Show the selected file's log
- Commit
- Branch from a commit
- For repositories of type SVN:
- Nothing yet
- Registers types
- Creates application controller
- Creates QML engine
- Creates and provides access to
- the list of known repositories
- the list of open repositories
- the current repository
- the Git interactive rebase editing
- Represents a repository
- Creates and provides access to
- the corresponding versioning system commands
- the file system model
- the filter for the file system model
- the model for lines of output when executing a process
- the name of the current branch
- the repository status (normal, rebasing, merging, ...)
- the list of branches
- the log of the current branch
- the diff of the selected file
- the log of the selected file
- Exposes to QML / JS the versioning methods: stage, unstage, commit, push, ...
- Inherits QFileSystemModel
- Shows changed files as a tree
- Provides access to the repository files
- Inherits QSortFilterProxyModel
- Encapsulates CTreeFileModel
- Enables filtering files on
- file name
- GIT status property
- Inherits QAbstractListModel
- Shows changed files as a list
- Provides access to the repository files
- Inherits QSortFilterProxyModel
- Encapsulates CFlatFileModel
- Enables filtering files on
- file name
- GIT status property
- The properties of a repository file
- status
- staged / unstaged flag
- A (kind of) interface for a versioning system
- Makes the versioning system abstract
- Inherits CCommands
- Implements Git versioning commands
- Inherits CCommands
- Will implement SVN versioning commands
- Inherits CCommands
- Partially implements Mercurial versioning commands
- A collection of log lines
- Inherits QSortFilterProxyModel
- Encapsulates CLogModel
- Enables filtering a log on
- commit author
- commit message
- A line of log : commit id, date, author, message
- A collection of CDiffLine
- Inherits QSortFilterProxyModel
- Encapsulates CDiffModel
- Enables filtering a diff
- A line of diff between two files
As of 2019-09-20:
151 text files.
150 unique files.
27 files ignored. v 1.64 T=0.33 s (370.7 files/s, 52317.1 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C++ 27 1422 661 4270
QML 57 839 142 4094
TypeScript 3 59 0 2794
C/C++ Header 33 898 930 1293
Qt Project 1 13 17 35
XML 2 0 0 23
Bourne Shell 1 0 6 6
SUM: 124 3231 1756 12515