This is RubyMotion plugin which provides validate
and upload
commands for iTunes Connect.
$ gem install motion-appstore
If you like to install manually,
$ git clone
$ cd motion-appstore
$ rake install
$ rake archive:distribution
$ motion validate APPLE-ID
$ motion upload APPLE-ID
This command validates your app whether it is possible to upload to iTunes Connect.
If app configuration has some errors:
$ motion validate [email protected]
Validate: ./build/iPhoneOS-8.1-Release/HelloActions.ipa
✗ Redundant Binary Upload. There already exists a binary upload with build '1.0' for version '1.10'
The app is good to submit to iTunes Connect:
$ motion validate [email protected]
Validate: ./build/iPhoneOS-8.1-Release/HelloActions.ipa
✓ No errors validating archive at ./build/iPhoneOS-8.1-Release/HelloActions.ipa
This command uploads your app to iTunes Connect.
$ motion upload [email protected]
Upload: ./build/iPhoneOS-8.1-Release/HelloActions.ipa
✓ No errors uploading ./build/iPhoneOS-8.1-Release/HelloActions.ipa
motion-appstore attempts to retrieve your password from the keychain automatically. However, in certain circumstances, this may not work, like for example if you have not used Apple's AppLoader application before or if you are using iCloud's keychain. If motion-appstore keeps asking you for your password repeatedly, type the following command:
$ security add-internet-password -a <your-email-address> -j default -r htps -s -w <your-password> -T /usr/bin/security
Your password will then be safely stored in the keychain and accessible by motion-appstore.
If you like GUI, you can add your password into the keychain by adding account via Xcode [Preferences...]->[Accounts] configuration.