130 commits
to master
since this release
- 重构 软件混淆类名保护
- 重构 应用加载、页面切换逻辑
- 新增 功能列表全选、模块页
- 适配 GG 98.0
- 适配 ELGG 1.1.7、1.1.9、1.2.1
- 修复 ELGG 某些版本getFile异常
- 优化 RLGG 函数名显示高危等级
- Refactored software obfuscation class name protection
- Refactored application loading and page switching logic
- Added Feature List Select All, Module Page
- Compatible with GG 98.0
- Compatible with ELGG 1.1.7, 1.1.9, and 1.2.1
- Fixed the getFile exception in some versions of ELGG
- Optimized the display of the high risk level of the RLGG function name