An interpreter for an original programming language named Gamma. Gamma emphasizes (but does not require) functional purity by requiring functions that are side-effecting to bear an impure
annotation. Gamma is statically typed and performs type inference. Variables in Gamma are not mutable, and cannot be reassigned once set.
A to-do list of desired features (in no particular order):
- Garbage collection
- Types
- Type inference
- Type checking
- First-class functions
- Function definition pattern matching
- Tail call optimization
- Parsing more complicated values:
- Real numbers (floating point)
- Strings
- Tuples
The syntax of Gamma is influenced by Elixir and Standard ML. A function in Gamma:
impure function f(x, y, z) do
a := x + y
b := if z then 3 else 0
print("line three")
Is equivalent to (in SML):
fun f x y z =
val a = x + y
val b = if z then 3 else 0
val _ = print "line three"
in b