Rename .env.dist to .env and fill in the values with an authorization key and a discord bot token The key should be your own, but is is optional. If you do not provide an authorization token, it will not be required
POST /webhook
Authorization: The key in .env
or anything if AUTHORIZATION
is not set in the env file
Message: The message OR EMBED to send.
Channel: The channel identifier or ID
Instead of a string in Message, you can use a table to provide title and description
"Title": "Title",
"Description": "Description"
If you would like to add more, you must change the isDirectory
function and add extra functionality based on the discord.js v12 docs
If you want to provide strings to send to a channel instead of an ID, you can add a dictionary entry to channels
const channels = {
["channel-identifier"]: "channelID string",
["channel2"]: "1" // MUST be in string form
If you find any issues or feature requests, post them in issues or open a pull request.