Code accompanying the manuscript "Designed active-site library reveals thousands of functional GFP variants". A pre-print of the manuscript describing this work can be found at bioXriv.
- fluroescene_vs_the_number_of_mutations has all data and code to reproduce figure 3A.
- htFuncLib_notebook is for running the htFuncLib algorithm.
- random_forest has code and data to train and test the random-forest model.
Weinstein, J. Y.; Aldaravi, C. M. G.; Lipsh-Sokolik, R.; Hoch, S. Y.; Liebermann, D.; Nevo, R.; Weissman, H.; Petrovich-Kopitman, E.; Margulies, D.; Ivankov, D.; McCandlish, D.; Fleishman, S. J. Designed Active-Site Library Reveals Thousands of Functional GFP Variants. bioRxiv October 11, 2022, p 2022.10.11.511732.