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This is the directory for our Ethereum Gambling contracts.

Here is a quick description of our gambling system:

Our contract system is fairly simple. There are 3 main contracts, EOSBetBankroll.sol, EOSBetSlots.sol, and EOSBetDice.sol.

The bankroll contract is in charge of holding all the funds for the games.

The games are in charge of taking bets, and interacting with the bankroll contract to payout players, and to receive the players losses.

A problem with current on-chain gambling offerings, is the fact that Ethereum transactions are pretty slow, and unfortunately there's no way of getting around slow transacions. However, we allow bettors to "pre-purchase" up to 224 spins for slots, and 1024 rolls for dice. They then just have to wait for 1 transaction to resolve (+ a transaction from Oraclize), and then get to use our pretty front end (work-in-progress) to resolve the bets, and have fun gambling at their own pace!

Again, the bankroll is used to payout players, and pay for any oraclize fees that will be charged to the Dice or Slots contract.

Also, the bankroll can be used by ANYONE to deposit money, and stake our games with Ether, receiving dividends from the small house edge that is in our games. Depositing money will result in receiving EOSBetStakeTokens in proportion to how much money a user deposited into the bankroll. There is a variable amount of time WAITTIMEUNTILWITHDRAWORTRANSFER that their Ether must be "staked" for, and then they are free to cashoutEOSBetStakeTokens() with the amount of tokens that they wish to cashout. The amount of tokens they wish to cash out are compared with the "global" supply of tokens, which then is used to determine what proportion of Ether they own, which is then sent to them.

The EOSBetStakeTokens are soley accounting tokens, and don't have any value outside of our contracts. However, since ERC20 tokens are clearly all the rage right now, we decided to make EOSBetStakeTokens ERC20 compatible, because why not? :)

Also, note that 20% of the profit of the games, and 1% of withdrawals from the bankroll will be sent to the DEVELOPERSFUND so that we can fund marketing, more games, and etc.

Finally, note that everything is supposed to be trustless in the game contracts. Bankrollers should be able to deposit and stake the games trustlessly, and gamblers should be able to play a fair game, also trustlessly. Besides general functionality like pausing the games, changing some parameters, the developers shouldn't have much power in these contracts. NOTE that we cannot add new games! This is purposeful, because we could just add a game called DeveloperAlwaysWins.sol and then drain the bankroll. That wouldn't be fun.

Yes, we will take out the emergencySelfDestruct() function when entering production. No, this is not a bug that can be caught in our bug bounty program.

Now lets dive a little deeper into our contracts:

EOSBetDice.sol & EOSBetSlots.sol

All games must follow the contract EOSBetGameInterface{} interface contract. This is as follows:

contract EOSBetGameInterface {
	uint256 public DEVELOPERSFUND;
	uint256 public LIABILITIES;
	function payDevelopersFund(address developer) public;
	function receivePaymentForOraclize() payable public;
	function getMaxWin() public view returns(uint256);

First, we have the DEVELOPERSFUND. 20% of the game profit will increment this fund. This is taken by betSize * numberOfBets * houseEdge * 20%.

Second, we have the LIABILITIES. All large bets will initially increment the liabilities when forwarding the randomness call to When oraclize calls back, LIABILITIES will decrement, and the bet is treated like a normal bet.

payDevelopersFund(address developer) can only be called by the BANKROLLER contract, which can only be called by OWNER. This just sends the developers fund to a specified address, and then sets the fund equal to zero.

receivePaymentForOraclize() payable is in charge of receiving ether from the bankroll, equivalent to the fee + gas * gasPrice that oraclize is charging.

getMaxWin() view is a function that asks the BANKROLLER contract to see how much investment there is in the bankroll, and then determines the maximum win size, that a bettor can win. We don't want to accept too large of bets and go bankrupt!!


We start off with a bunch of owner only functions to change parameters to the games. Dangerous parameters have a cap on them, that even the owner cannot go above when he is calling the functions. Pretty straightforward...

Again, we have a suicide/selfdestruct function, this will be taken out for production, and is only for testing!

refund(bytes32 oraclizeQueryId) is meant to be called by either the player or the owner, if the oraclize query is taking too long to __callback. This can be a (rare) problem with oraclize, and we want people to be able to retreive their funds if oraclize is slow/fails to callback.

play(uint256 betPerRoll, uint16 rolls, uint8 rollUnder) payable is the main function in this contract. Players are allowed to specify the amount of bet for each roll of dice, the total number of rolls, and the number that they are trying to roll under. (Ex: a choice of 77 means that 1-76 are the winning numbers, and 77-100 are losers!)

The bet infomation will then be saved (SSTORE) and then oraclize will be called to supply randomness, to resolve the bet safely.

Once oraclize calls the __callback() function the bet will start to resolve. We check the oraclize ledger proof to return 0 as required. If the oraclize proof fails, then we just refund the player immediately. Clearly, there is an issue where oraclize could chose to only (correcly) __callback if they are going to win, and just make the ledger proof fail if they lose. However, other gambling contracts put vastly more trust into oraclize than we do (where they could just outright win every single game) so we have decided to give them the benefit of the doubt here.

However, if we feel that oraclize is cheating (will be easily detectable), then we can just toggle off REFUNDSACTIVE. We would like to keep them on, of course, so that our players have a better experience. :)

A while loop starts, while (gamesPlayed < rolls && etherAvailable >= betPerRoll) where either every single roll will resolve as specified by the player, or the player will go bankrupt.

A winning roll will credit based on the roll under number according to the standard dice formula: hypotheticalWinAmount = SafeMath.mul(SafeMath.mul(betPerRoll, 100), (1000 - houseEdgeInThousandthPercents)) / (rollUnder - 1) / 1000;

Once either all rolls resolve, or the player doesn't have the funds to play another roll, then the bankroll will receive the initial captial used to bet (subtracting from LIABILITIES if this is in the __callback), and the bankroll will send any winnings to the player. The wins are sent SAFELY by using msg.sender.send(amt), and catching failures. If a .send() fails, then the amount gets sent to the OWNER instead. We could have implemented some sort of fund recovery fairly easily, but decided to just not allow external contracts (with excessive logic in function () payable) to call our contracts. If you MUST call our gaming contracts with an external contract with a bunch of fallback logic, you are clearly doing something sketchy, and can contact us to recover your funds :)

Note that if the OWNER send fails, then the funds will be given to our bankroll investors, because we change the OWNER address to be a contract, then we are also doing something sketchy.

Lastly, we must log some events so that the frontend knows what happened to the dice game. Logs can get expensive, so we did this the cheapest way. The frontend really just needs to know whether the player one or lost a game, so we can represent each game result using binary. (Ex: 10011 = win, loss, loss, win, win).


Slots is a very similar contract, of course, and just about everything that was said about dice, also applies to slots. However, the gameplay is obviously different, and more complex.

Here, the play(uint8 credits) payable function only takes 1 argument, credits, and the amount bet per credit will just be msg.value / credits. Again, we do the necessary checks, and forward the bet to oraclize.

There are 64 positions on the slots dial, and given the combinations, and their payouts, we have a 4.9% house edge, which is very generous. The standard casino does something between 15%-25% on slots, which is absolutely brutal.

There we loop though all the credits, find the payout given each combination, and then log the events for the front end. The logs are minimalistic, again, because they can get costly. Since there are 7 different items on the dial, we can store each dial in a uint4. The frontend then parses these hex-encoded logs into octal notation, and then gets the dial locations and replays the spins to our bettors! (Please stay tuned for the actual games, another 2-3 weeks, we promise!)

positions for slots

// gold ether 	0 //  1  //  3   //   1  //	
// silver ether 1 //  7  //  1   //   6  //
// bronze ether 2 //  1  //  7   //   6  //
// gold planet  3 //  5  //  7   //   6  //
// silverplanet 4 //  9  //  6   //   7  //
// bronzeplanet 5 //  9  //  8   //   6  //
// ---blank---  6 //  32 //  32  //   32 //

payouts for slots

// 			LANDS ON 				//	PAYS  //
// Bronze E -> Silver E -> Gold E	//	5000  //
// 3x Gold Ether					//	1777  //
// 3x Silver Ether					//	250   //
// 3x Bronze Ether					//	250   //
//  3x any Ether 					//	95    //
// Bronze P -> Silver P -> Gold P	//	90    //
// 3x Gold Planet 					//	50    //
// 3x Silver Planet					//	25    //
// Any Gold P & Silver P & Bronze P //	20    //
// 3x Bronze Planet					//	10    //
// Any 3 planet type				//	3     //
// Any 3 gold						//	3     //
// Any 3 silver						//	2     //
// Any 3 bronze						//	2     //
// Blank, blank, blank				//	1     //
// else								//  0     //

There are found in our code too, for easy reference.


The bankroll is in charge of all payouts, like the cashier at a casino.

We have payEtherToWinner(uint256 amtEther, address winner) which safely sends ether to the winner. Again, we do not support calling our contracts with external contracts (with a lot of function () playable logic), so if your send fails, you will have to retreive the money from us, the OWNER. The function can only be called by a game contract, that get specified at initialization.

We have receiveEtherFromGameAddress() payable which is the function that the game contracts call when sending the bet ether to the bankroll. The function can only be called by a game contract, that get specified at initialization.

payOraclize(uint256 amountToPay) will send any amount to a game contract that calls this function. The game contracts calculate how much ether is going to be needed from oraclize, and then call this function to get the money from the BANKROLLER. The function can only be called by a game contract, whose addresses get specified at initialization.

Our fallback function function () public payable is the way that users can stake our bankroll. They can send any amount of ether to our contract, and receive a proportional amount of accounting tokens. There is a cap on the amount that can be contributed, denoted by MAXIMUMINVESTMENTSALLOWED however this can be raised and lowered by the OWNER. If our contracts catch fire, we might want to limit deposits, so it doesn't get too out of hand ;)

Extra ether, that is deposited over MAXIMUMINVESTMENTSALLOWED will be refunded to the investor in the same function call.

Players can cash out using cashoutEOSBetStakeTokens(uint256 _amountTokens). They just specify the amount of tokens they want to cash out, these tokens are burned and removed from total supply, and then they will receive a proportional amount of ether. Hopefully, if our games do well, they will receive some extra ether due to the house edge. If we have a lot of bettors, we can see being a bankroll backed will be quite lucrative, but no promises!

cashoutEOSBetStakeTokens_ALL() just fully divests a player from the bankroll. This is nice because users can just send 0 ether to our contract, with extra data 0x7a09588b to fully divest right away. They don't need to use our frontend at all, and can just MEW with a hardware wallet for safety! Still waiting on that Ledger <-> MetaMask integration... ;)

Note that there is a required stake time that users must leave their funds locked into the bankroll for. This will intially be only a few hours, but could get up to 10 weeks maximum (unlikely). Also, 1% of withdrawals will be given to developers for marketing reasons!

withdrawDevelopersFund(address receiver) tells DICE and SLOTS to give their DEVELOPERSFUND to a specified address. It also has the bankroll give any accumulated DEVELOPERSFUND to the same address, and then zeros out all these counters on all the contracts.

After this, is just basic ERC20 functionality. We do not allow users to transfer tokens until their locktime is up, or it would be too difficult to keep track of which tokens are not allowed to be cashed out. We also do not allow transfers to address(this) because it will just burn tokens.


This is the standard oraclize contract. If there are issues you find, definitely bring it up with the oraclize team, I'm sure they have a much larger bounty than I could afford!


This is standard Zeppelin SafeMath, again, issues should be brought up with the Zeppelin team!


Please submit any issues to our GitHub, and feel free to contact [email protected] with any issues.

If you are privacy centric, please use our PGP Key below.

Cheers! Team EOSBet




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