This project is a Python application designed to manage user access and handle transactions using an SQLite database.
The application provides functionalities for user authentication and various transaction-related operations. It uses core Python concepts including functions, conditionals, file handling, error-handling, and SQLite for database management.
Key Functionalities:
- User Access: Verifies user credentials and grants or denies access based on the input.
- View Balance: Allows users to view their current balance.
- View Transaction History: Enables users to view and print their transaction history.
- Make New Transaction: Users are able to create new transactions.
- Make Deposit: Users are able to deposit money into their accounts.
- Delete Account: Provides an option to delete the user account and the related data from transaction history.
File Descriptions:
: The main script that runs the
: Contains the database functions used for user authentication and transaction management.
Project Timeline:
- Start Date: 2 September, 2024
- End Date: 8 September, 2024