Hi my name is Devank Srivastava. I am from first year B.tech CS AI section 23 and I started my coding journey in August 2024. As of now, I know the basics of C++ and a little bit of Frontend. Here is my solution for techno jam 2024 problems for DSA
Problem 1 View Index
In this Pascal triangle problem,
- I used the mathematical formula that uses the value of the previous value [c = c * (i - j ) / j ]
- The problem here was that the formula can be only derived if you have some knowledge of PnC.
Problem 2 View Index
In this Stairs problem,
- The problem is very similar to the fibonacci series problem i.e the no is sum of previous 2 terms and so on. You only have to jump either 1 or 2 steps and calculate the no of steps can be possible to achieve so.
- The difficult part of the question for me was to understand and link the pattern to the fibonacci series.
Problem 3 View Index
In this range_bitwise problem,
- I initialized the starting index in starting variable but kept updating the ending index in ending variable till the end. The shift variable takes of the right shift performed and counts it.
- The major problem I faced here was that I learned >>= operation which is to shift right by just 1 bits and <<= for left 1 bit. After learning that operation the question became easier.