Code for reproducing the case studies of "Stochastic Mobility Integration into Residential Energy Hubs" presented in the ESARS-ITEC 2024 Conference held in Naples on 26-29th of November.
The code implements a stochastic optimization model for the integration of electric vehicles and residential energy hubs. The model is based on a single-stage stochastic programming formulation that considers the uncertainty in the mobility patterns of the electric vehicles. The problem is modelled using Random Field Optimization. The code is implemented in Julia
, JuMP
and InfiniteOpt
and uses the Ipopt
The pipeline of paper is as follows:
Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection.
julia> cd("[INSERT_PATH_TO_FILES]/StochMobilityMCES-ITEC24/")
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg> activate .
(itec24) pkg> instantiate
The scripts in folder src
build and optimize the models for the case studies presented in the paper. The scripts are organized as follows:
runCaseStudy1_DET.jl --> deterministic model for case study 1
runCaseStudy1_RFO.jl --> stochastic model for case study 1
runCaseStudy2_RFO.jl --> stochastic model for case study 2
to run the scripts, open a terminal and type:
julia> runCaseStudy1_DET.jl
All necessary functions are stored in fns
folder. The data for the case studies is stored in data
Results can be visualized in the notebooks
. The notebooks are organized as follows:
cs1_analysis.ipynb --> analysis of the results for case study 1
cs2_analysis.ipynb --> analysis of the results for case study 2
For support on code usage please submit an issue on the repository.
This paper was done by Dario Slaifstein, Alvaro Menendez Agudin, Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli, Laura Ramirez Elizondo, and Pavol Bauer.