- This Telegram 🤖 Bot is built with Ruby And Telegram bot API
- Simply search for 'Amazingbot' or @ds_joker_bot or @Amazingjoker_bot. Depending on the API version running
- This 🤖 Bot accepts some basic commands and respond with a joke, quote or programming joke and mood concerning programming at random, depending on the User selection and command input.
- Ruby
- Telegram-bot-ruby & Telegram API
- Rspec
- VsCode
This Bot has 6 commands
- /start - Gives you a brief information about the both and how to interract with the bot
- /info - It gives the user instructions on how to use and interact with the 🤖bot commands to get the required informations you need.
- /quit - persuades you not to quit".
- /programmingjoke - It gives you a random selected programming joke relating to any topic of programming.
- /quotes - It proivde a random quote relating to success and inspirational topics.
- /normaljoke - It provide a random jokes.
Boot up your terminal and punch in gem install rspec
to install RSpec. Once that’s done, you can verify your version of RSpec with rspec --version
, which will output the current version of each of the packaged gems. Take a minute also to hit rspec --help
and look through the various options available.
- You need to run
$ gem install rspec
- Then run
$ bundle install or bundle
- You can run tests by running "rspec" in your terminal
$ rspec
In order to run the 🤖 Bot, you need to install RUBY in your computer. For windows you can go to Ruby installer and for MAC and LINUX you can go to Ruby official site for intructions on how to intall it.
Step 1
Clone the repo in your local folder where you want to run it
Step 2
After cloning cd
into project folder $ cd Ruby-Telegram-Bot
create a config.rb
in the project root directory You will need Telegram access Token API, create a variable inside the config.rb
file with name TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'APIKEY'
and asign your APIKEY to the variable, then uncomment the # require_relative '../config'
inside dansam_bot.rb
Step 3
Run bundle install
to install the gems from the Gemfile
Step 4
Run bin/main.rb
to start the bot.
Step 5
You can use the commands defined in the Available commands section defined above.
👤 Daniel Samuel
- If you want to contribute or have a feature to add.
- Go to the repo
- Open a pull request or
- Feel free with a click issues page.
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Project inspired by Microverse Program
This project is MIT licensed.