This project was intended to put my knowledge of Ruby on Rails module into practice through the Twitter-Redesign app that allows user to login, view homepage/tweets, suggestion on who to follow, access their user profile and those of others, and creating tweets.
I had the option to personalise the website and style it my own way. The end goal however was to create anything that someone could share opinions about with people who follow them and vice versa. The design I have emulated is by Design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance.
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Visual Studio Code
- Git & Github
- Guard
- Bootstrap
- PostgreSQL
- RSPEC and Capybara
- Heroku
To get this project up and running locally, you must already have ruby and rails plus the necessary gems installed on your computer work environment
- If you don't have ruby installed, you can find instructions through this link
- If you don't have node installed, you can find instructions through this link
- If you don't have yarn installed, you can find instructions through this link
- If you don't have npm installed, you can find instructions through this link
- If you don't have sqlite3 installed, you can find instructions through this link
- Install Rails by following instructions here
simple steps set up on your local machine
- $ git clone `$ git clone`
- $ git checkout development
- Run `cd RoR-Twitter-Redesign`
- $ bundle install
- $ rails db:create
- $ rails db:migrate
- $ rails s
- incase you encounter
error add thegem 'mini_racer'
tou your gemfile - Also if you encounter error due to webpacker installations problems simple run
- simply click here for detailed intructions on how to install Wepacker
- In your terminal run
$ rspec
👤 Daniel Samuel
- GitHub: @DanSam5K
- Twitter: @_dan_sam
- LinkedIn: Daniel Samuel
Contributions, issues and feature requests are always welcome!
I love meeting other developers, especially ones that give me advice on how to improve my work.
Feel free to check the issues page.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Fork the repository
- git clone
- git checkout develop
- git checkout -b branch name
- run ```$ bundle install```
- $ rails db:create
- $ rails db:migrate
- git remote add upstream
- git pull upstream develop
- git commit -m "commit message"
- git push -u origin HEAD
- Finally, if you've read this far, don't forget to give this repo a ⭐️. Give a ⭐️ if you like this project! They're free . . . I think.
- Microverse program ⚡.
- Design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used 🔰
- Inspiration 💘
- Our standup team 🏹
- Our family's support 🙌
This project is MIT licensed.