This is a backend built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB that allows users to create and manage their wishlists. The application features a user authentication system, allowing users to securely create and manage their own wishlists.
The Dalist application provides the following features:
- User registration and authentication
- User profile management
- Wishlist creation and management
- Item addition, editing, and deletion within wishlists
- Secure password storage using Auth0
To install the application and its dependencies, follow these steps:
$ git clone https://github.com/DTPF/wishlist-node.git
$ cd wishlist-node
$ npm install
Before running the application, rename the .env.development.example file to .env.development and configure this file based on your computer and auth0. You can now run the application:
$ npm run dev
Now is running on http://localhost:4000 and is ready to recive requests but not for login.
Web: https://dalist.dtpf.es
Backend: https://github.com/DTPF/wishlist-react.git
Contributions to Wishlist Node are welcome and encouraged! If you encounter any issues or have ideas for new features, please submit an issue or pull request on the repository.