Project development for my dissertation
This is a python project for my dissertation.
The idea, is to gather tweets from Twitter with the help of Twitter REST APIs, Search and Streaming. Then all data will go into a MongoDB instance for storing purposes. Finally, through a GUI, the user will be able to see some statistics or data analysis by applying some filters.
To be able to run this program there are some TO-DOs:
First you must make a Twitter account and then create an app and find your API key (consumer key) and API secret along with Access Token and Access Token Secret.
When finished, go to credentials.json and open it with a text editor like Notepad++. Complete your newly acquired credentials, as names state.
Secondly, make sure you have installed Python3.5 & MongoDB Community Server (I use 3.4).
- Python 3.5 (32bits)
- MongoDB 3.4.2
- tweepy==3.5.0
- nltk==3.2.4
- pymongo==3.4.0
- matplotlib==2.0.2
- pyproj==**
- basemap==1.1.0**
*install them in the given order
**to install these modules, first download them from the Unofficial Windows Binaries page:
To install basemap and pyproj after download execute:
> pip install C:\path\to\downloaded\file\file_name.whl
To install the rest of the modules you can:
> pip install <module name>
You can install all required modules by executing:
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure, to NOT publish your personal tokens