Hard Modes Module for AzerothCore
This module adds the following hard modes:
- Hardcore - Players who die are permanently ghosts and can never be revived^.
- Semi-Hardcore - Players who die lose all worn equipment and carried gold.
- Iron Man Mode - Enforces the Iron Man Ruleset^
^ - Players can be revived if they have whats called currency/token. Tokens can be given by a GM or via web interface and added to the database table. Number of deaths can also be configured in the .conf file (default 0) before use of the currency/token is needed to res.
This module adds the following attributes when enabled:
- Self Crafted - Players can only wear equipment that they have crafted.
- Item Quality Level - Players can only wear equipment that is of Normal or Poor quality.
- XP Gain - Choose if XP will be either a XP Rate or Quest XP Only.
- XP Rate - Players receive a percentage of the normal amount of XP, with 1 being 100%.
- Quest XP Only - Players can receive XP only from quests.
Console Commands that can be used (At any time you can type the command to see whats available):
- note that some commands are only available to GM or higher level accounts.
- .hm or .hardmode - This will access the following mods commands.
- status - get a printout of you or [GM Only] another player status (player currency, total account currency, deaths, reprieves).
- currency -
- add - [GM only] currently adds 1 currency to the targeted player.
- account -
- balance - Displays your account total (all players on this account) or [GM only] targeted players total account balance.
- balance - Displays yours or [GM only] targeted players balance.
- resurrect - Will resurrect the current player who invokes this command, using your account (not player) currency.
- deaths -
- balance - Displays yours or [GM only] targeted players balance.
- clear - [GM Only] Erases death count for free and will resurect targeted player if dead.
- resurrect - [GM Only] Will resurrect the player at the cost of currency.
- reprieves -
- balance - Displays yours or [GM only] targeted players balance.
Players do not have the ability to enable or disable the hard modes or attributes.
Only one hard mode can be activated on a server, but multiple attributes can be activated.
There are no rewards for using a hard mode, its a hard mode for a reason. Take comfort in knowing you achieved something great.
Please note that this module uses Player Settings to store deaths, so please ensure EnablePlayerSettings is set to 1 in your worldserver.conf.
- Credit, This idea was taken from mod-challenge-modes @ https://github.com/ZhengPeiRu21/mod-challenge-modes