Releases: CDCgov/aquascope
Releases · CDCgov/aquascope
What's Changed
- Remove code related to nf-core Validation and update to nf-core Schema completed by @slsevilla in #83
- Expose nf-plugins; set version and plugin ID by @slsevilla with 6e58b0c
- update config to handle RHEL8 environment
- Convert from check_max to resourceLimits by @SuchiC23 and @slsevilla with 6d09ae3
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.2.0
What's Changed
- updated the usage documents @SuchiC23 #75
- Added iontorrent sample sheet information @SuchiC23 #74
- Updated the Multiqc to version 1.25.1 @SuchiC23 #72
- fix typo in samplesheet @slsevilla in #78
- add iontorrent test to CI/CD @slsevilla in #78
- reformat, add platform names to docs @slsevilla in #78
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0
What's Changed
- Feature docs by @arunbodd in #56
- NF-core template update, added three new entry points by @slsevilla in #60
- Added CI workflow to test the pipeline by @antongray1 in #62
- Updated readme to trigger mkdocs workflow by @antongray1 in #65
- Removed redundant code by @slsevilla in f879ac3
- Updated FREYJA version by @slsevilla in 7d615c8 (fixes #58)
- Removed IVAR Variant calling in c016987 (fixes #61 )
- Removed Samtools FAIDX by @slsevilla in c8163ad (fixes #71 )
- Update schema requirements by @slsevilla in f98393a
- Fix samplesheet col name inconsistency by @slsevilla in 2a511d6 (issue #66 )
- Fixes docker issue by adding by @slsevilla in e0066f1 (issue #68)
New Contributors
- @antongray1 made their first contribution in #62
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v3.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: remove conflicting code by @arunbodd in #51
- Add test profile for ONT data, add test data, update configs, cleanup gitignore files by @slsevilla in #49
- Rebase dev from testprofiles, add new config by @arunbodd in #50
- Rebasing dev to main after issues with previous merge by @slsevilla in #52
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0
What's Changed
- Updated README and user-docs by @slsevilla @arunbodd in #29, #30, #33
- Feature Add: Amino Acid calling, threshold features added #27 by @arunbodd @schavan023 in #31
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Update by @SMorrison42 in #12
- Hseabolt patch 1 by @slsevilla in #25
- Docs Overhaul, CI addition, IVAR feat add by @slsevilla in #21
- feat: Added processing of Ion-torrent Bams and ONT long reads
- feat: Added Nanoplot as Quality metrics tool for ONT long reads
- feat: Samtools ampliconclip is used as primary trimming tool for ONT-long reads.
- fix: removed ivar trim which was erroring for ONT-long reads
- refactor: specify primer bed file as 7th column in samplesheet - refer to ReadME file
- refactor: Qualimap Bamqc and Ivar variant calling now use "gff" file as one of the parameters, instead of bed or gff3 file formats.
- fix: Removed parameter --fai (fasta index), it now builds using samtools faidx
- feat: MultiQC report shows Freyja Demix results.
- feat: fasta and gff are now defaulted to assets folder. User input required to change these references (We strongly suggest users * * not to use a different reference, as it may lead to accession ID conflicts downstream)
- docs: updated README
- docs: update CHANGELOG format
- docs: created a VERSION log
- ci: added github actions for deployment
New Contributors
- @SMorrison42 made their first contribution in #12
- @slsevilla made their first contribution in #25
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...v2.0.0