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[Examples] Deploy ZT Network
This guide will review how to deploy the Azure landing zone Terraform accelerator with a jump start on Zero Trust Networking Principles for Azure landing zones.
For more information on Zero Trust security model and principles visit Secure networks with Zero Trust.
Deploying Zero Trust network principles with the Terraform deployment will involve setting certain module variables to a value. Some of these are already the default values, and do not need to be changed. Others will need to be changed from their default values.
These variables reside in the variables.tf file and can be provided at run time, or replaced/overridden for your deployment.
In the configure_connectivity_resources variable's ddos_protection_plan object, you will set the following:
Variable | Zero Trust Value | Default Value |
enabled |
true |
false |
This will deploy a DDoS Protection Plan to use to protect your networking resources from DDoS Attacks.
Next, in the configure_connectivity_resources variable's hub_networks object, you will set the following:
Variable | Zero Trust Value | Default Value |
enabled |
true |
true |
link_to_ddos_protection_plan |
true |
false |
These settings will ensure that a hub network is deployed, and that it is liked to the DDoS Protection Plan.
Lastly, in the configure_connectivity_resources variable's azure_firewall object, you will set the following:
Variable | Zero Trust Value | Default Value |
enabled |
true |
false |
sku_tier |
premium |
null |
This will deploy an Azure Firewall in to your hub network, with the appropriate SKU to perform TLS inspection on traffic.
In the configure_identity_resources variable object, set the following:
Variable | Zero Trust Value | Default Value |
enable_deny_public_ip |
true |
true |
enable_deny_rdp_from_internet |
true |
true |
enable_deny_subnet_without_nsg |
true |
true |
This will set policy controls to ensure good network practices are in place, by preventing you from creating public IPs in the identity subscription, denying the creation of subnets without Network Security Groups, and by preventing inbound RDP from the internet to VMs in the identity subscription.
In the configure_management_resources variable's security_center object, set the following:
Variable | Zero Trust Value | Default Value |
enable_defender_for_dns |
true |
true |
This is not needed for Zero Trust Telemetry, but is a valuable setting to protect your organization from DNS injection. Review Defender for DNS for more information.
The below reference filese can be used to declare the above variables as local values. There are two input files that are needed - one for configure_connectivity_resources
and another for configure_management_resources
. These configurations can be used to illustrate the settings needed to deploy the Zero Trust principles.
The below settings.connectivity.tf
file can be used to declare these variables as local values, containing the custom inputs for the configure_connectivity_resources
as described above.
Read more about customizing a connectivity deployment in the Deploy Connectivity Resources with Custom Settings article.
# Configure the connectivity resources settings.
locals {
configure_connectivity_resources = {
settings = {
hub_networks = [
enabled = true
config = {
address_space = ["", ]
location = "westus2"
link_to_ddos_protection_plan = true
dns_servers = []
bgp_community = ""
subnets = []
virtual_network_gateway = {
enabled = true
config = {
address_prefix = ""
gateway_sku_expressroute = "ErGw2AZ"
gateway_sku_vpn = ""
advanced_vpn_settings = {
enable_bgp = null
active_active = null
private_ip_address_allocation = ""
default_local_network_gateway_id = ""
vpn_client_configuration = []
bgp_settings = []
custom_route = []
azure_firewall = {
enabled = true
config = {
address_prefix = ""
enable_dns_proxy = true
dns_servers = []
sku_tier = ""
base_policy_id = ""
private_ip_ranges = []
threat_intelligence_mode = ""
threat_intelligence_allowlist = {}
availability_zones = {
zone_1 = true
zone_2 = true
zone_3 = true
spoke_virtual_network_resource_ids = []
enable_outbound_virtual_network_peering = true
enable_hub_network_mesh_peering = false
enabled = true
config = {
address_space = ["", ]
location = "westeurope"
link_to_ddos_protection_plan = true
dns_servers = []
bgp_community = ""
subnets = []
virtual_network_gateway = {
enabled = true
config = {
address_prefix = ""
gateway_sku_expressroute = ""
gateway_sku_vpn = "VpnGw2AZ"
advanced_vpn_settings = {
enable_bgp = null
active_active = null
private_ip_address_allocation = ""
default_local_network_gateway_id = ""
vpn_client_configuration = []
bgp_settings = []
custom_route = []
azure_firewall = {
enabled = false
config = {
address_prefix = ""
enable_dns_proxy = true
dns_servers = []
sku_tier = ""
base_policy_id = ""
private_ip_ranges = []
threat_intelligence_mode = ""
threat_intelligence_allowlist = {}
availability_zones = {
zone_1 = true
zone_2 = true
zone_3 = true
spoke_virtual_network_resource_ids = []
enable_outbound_virtual_network_peering = true
enable_hub_network_mesh_peering = false
vwan_hub_networks = []
ddos_protection_plan = {
enabled = true
config = {
location = "northeurope"
dns = {
enabled = true
config = {
location = null
enable_private_link_by_service = {
azure_api_management = true
azure_app_configuration_stores = true
azure_arc = true
azure_automation_dscandhybridworker = true
azure_automation_webhook = true
azure_backup = true
azure_batch_account = true
azure_bot_service_bot = true
azure_bot_service_token = true
azure_cache_for_redis = true
azure_cache_for_redis_enterprise = true
azure_container_registry = true
azure_cosmos_db_cassandra = true
azure_cosmos_db_gremlin = true
azure_cosmos_db_mongodb = true
azure_cosmos_db_sql = true
azure_cosmos_db_table = true
azure_data_explorer = true
azure_data_factory = true
azure_data_factory_portal = true
azure_data_health_data_services = true
azure_data_lake_file_system_gen2 = true
azure_database_for_mariadb_server = true
azure_database_for_mysql_server = true
azure_database_for_postgresql_server = true
azure_digital_twins = true
azure_event_grid_domain = true
azure_event_grid_topic = true
azure_event_hubs_namespace = true
azure_file_sync = true
azure_hdinsights = true
azure_iot_dps = true
azure_iot_hub = true
azure_key_vault = true
azure_key_vault_managed_hsm = true
azure_kubernetes_service_management = true
azure_machine_learning_workspace = true
azure_managed_disks = true
azure_media_services = true
azure_migrate = true
azure_monitor = true
azure_purview_account = true
azure_purview_studio = true
azure_relay_namespace = true
azure_search_service = true
azure_service_bus_namespace = true
azure_site_recovery = true
azure_sql_database_sqlserver = true
azure_synapse_analytics_dev = true
azure_synapse_analytics_sql = true
azure_synapse_studio = true
azure_web_apps_sites = true
azure_web_apps_static_sites = true
cognitive_services_account = true
microsoft_power_bi = true
signalr = true
signalr_webpubsub = true
storage_account_blob = true
storage_account_file = true
storage_account_queue = true
storage_account_table = true
storage_account_web = true
private_link_locations = [
public_dns_zones = []
private_dns_zones = []
enable_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link_on_hubs = true
enable_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link_on_spokes = true
virtual_network_resource_ids_to_link = []
location = var.connectivity_resources_location
tags = var.connectivity_resources_tags
advanced = null
The below settings.management.tf
file can be used to declare these variables as local values, containing the custom inputs for the configure_management_resources
input variables as described above.
Read more about customizing a connectivity deployment in the Deploy Management Resources with Custom Settings article.
# Configure the management resources settings.
locals {
configure_management_resources = {
settings = {
log_analytics = {
enabled = true
config = {
retention_in_days = var.log_retention_in_days
enable_monitoring_for_vm = true
enable_monitoring_for_vmss = true
enable_solution_for_agent_health_assessment = true
enable_solution_for_anti_malware = true
enable_solution_for_change_tracking = true
enable_solution_for_service_map = false
enable_solution_for_sql_assessment = false
enable_solution_for_sql_vulnerability_assessment = false
enable_solution_for_sql_advanced_threat_detection = false
enable_solution_for_updates = true
enable_solution_for_vm_insights = true
enable_solution_for_container_insights = true
enable_sentinel = true
security_center = {
enabled = true
config = {
email_security_contact = var.security_alerts_email_address
enable_defender_for_apis = true
enable_defender_for_app_services = true
enable_defender_for_arm = true
enable_defender_for_containers = true
enable_defender_for_cosmosdbs = true
enable_defender_for_cspm = true
enable_defender_for_dns = true
enable_defender_for_key_vault = true
enable_defender_for_oss_databases = true
enable_defender_for_servers = true
enable_defender_for_servers_vulnerability_assessments = true
enable_defender_for_sql_servers = true
enable_defender_for_sql_server_vms = true
enable_defender_for_storage = true
location = var.management_resources_location
tags = var.management_resources_tags
advanced = null
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- Home
- User guide
- Video guides
- Level 100
- Level 200
Level 300
- Deploy multi region networking with custom settings (Hub and Spoke)
- Deploy multi region networking with custom settings (Virtual WAN)
- Deploy with Zero Trust network principles (Hub and Spoke)
- Deploy identity resources with custom settings
- Deploy management resources with custom settings
- Expand built-in archetype definitions
- Create custom policies, initiatives and assignments
- Override module role assignments
- Control policy enforcement mode
- Policy assignments with user assigned managed identities
- Level 400
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Troubleshooting
- Contributing